Commit 0a7222b1 by David Baumgold

Allow an AJAX call to specify that it should not notify on error

Because there are some cases where it's OK to fail, and it's not the user's fault
parent 2359c438
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ $ ->
dataType: 'json'
$(document).ajaxError (event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) ->
if ajaxSettings.notifyOnError is false
msg = new CMS.Models.ErrorMessage(
"title": gettext("Studio's having trouble saving your work")
"message": jqXHR.responseText || gettext("This may be happening because of an error with our server or your internet connection. Try refreshing the page or making sure you are online.")
......@@ -27,16 +27,19 @@ class @VideoCaption extends Subview
fetchCaption: ->
$.getWithPrefix @captionURL(), (captions) =>
@captions = captions.text
@start = captions.start
@loaded = true
if onTouchBasedDevice()
$('.subtitles li').html "Caption will be displayed when you start playing the video."
url: @captionURL()
notifyOnError: false
success: (captions) =>
@captions = captions.text
@start = captions.start
@loaded = true
if onTouchBasedDevice()
$('.subtitles li').html "Caption will be displayed when you start playing the video."
renderCaption: ->
container = $('<ol>')
......@@ -27,16 +27,19 @@ class @VideoCaptionAlpha extends SubviewAlpha
fetchCaption: ->
$.getWithPrefix @captionURL(), (captions) =>
@captions = captions.text
@start = captions.start
@loaded = true
if onTouchBasedDevice()
$('.subtitles li').html "Caption will be displayed when you start playing the video."
url: @captionURL()
notifyOnError: false
success: (captions) =>
@captions = captions.text
@start = captions.start
@loaded = true
if onTouchBasedDevice()
$('.subtitles li').html "Caption will be displayed when you start playing the video."
renderCaption: ->
container = $('<ol>')
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