Commit 0a2eda63 by David Baumgold

Switch from RVM to rbenv

parent f3a484bd
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ info() {
edX base dir : $BASE
Python virtualenv dir : $PYTHON_DIR
Ruby RVM dir : $RUBY_DIR
Ruby rbenv dir : $RBENV_ROOT
Ruby ver : $RUBY_VER
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ set_base_default() { # if PROJECT_HOME not set
# See if remote's url is named edx-platform (this works for forks too, but
# not if the name was changed).
cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"
cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"
this_repo=$(basename $(git ls-remote --get-url 2>/dev/null) 2>/dev/null) ||
echo -n ""
......@@ -131,9 +131,16 @@ BASE="${PROJECT_HOME:-$(set_base_default)}"
# unless you've already got one set up with virtualenvwrapper.
# RVM defaults its install to ~/.rvm, but use the overridden rvm_path
# if that's what's preferred.
# Find rbenv root (~/.rbenv by default)
if [ -z "${RBENV_ROOT}" ]; then
# Let the repo override the version of Ruby to install
if [[ -r $BASE/edx-platform/.ruby-version ]]; then
RUBY_VER=`cat $BASE/edx-platform/.ruby-version`
LOG="/var/tmp/install-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).log"
......@@ -245,11 +252,11 @@ case `uname -s` in
distro=`lsb_release -cs`
case $distro in
if [[ ! $noninteractive ]]; then
warning "
Debian support is not fully debugged. Assuming you have standard
development packages already working like scipy rvm, the
development packages already working like scipy, the
installation should go fine, but this is still a work in progress.
Please report issues you have and let us know if you are able to figure
......@@ -259,7 +266,7 @@ case `uname -s` in
read dummy
sudo apt-get install -yq git ;;
sudo apt-get install -yq git ;;
if [[ ! $noninteractive ]]; then
warning "
......@@ -267,14 +274,11 @@ case `uname -s` in
While we don't technically support this release, the install
script will probably still work.
Raring requires an install of rvm to work correctly as the raring
package manager does not yet include a package for rvm
Press return to continue or control-C to abort"
read dummy
sudo apt-get install -yq git
error "Unsupported distribution - $distro"
......@@ -318,7 +322,7 @@ EO
# Clone MITx repositories
# Clone edx repositories
......@@ -333,90 +337,39 @@ else
# Install system-level dependencies
output "Installing RVM, Ruby, and required gems"
# If we're not installing RVM in the default location, then we'll do some
# funky stuff to make sure that we load in the RVM stuff properly on login.
if [ "$HOME/.rvm" != $RUBY_DIR ]; then
if ! grep -q "export rvm_path=$RUBY_DIR" ~/.rvmrc; then
if [[ -f $HOME/.rvmrc ]]; then
output "Copying existing .rvmrc to .rvmrc.bak"
cp $HOME/.rvmrc $HOME/.rvmrc.bak
output "Creating $HOME/.rvmrc so rvm uses $RUBY_DIR"
echo "export rvm_path=$RUBY_DIR" > $HOME/.rvmrc
if [[ ! -d $RBENV_ROOT ]]; then
output "Installing rbenv"
git clone $RBENV_ROOT
# Let the repo override the version of Ruby to install
if [[ -r $BASE/edx-platform/.ruby-version ]]; then
RUBY_VER=`cat $BASE/edx-platform/.ruby-version`
if [[ ! -d $RBENV_ROOT/plugins/ruby-build ]]; then
output "Installing ruby-build"
git clone $RBENV_ROOT/plugins/ruby-build
# rvm has issues in debian family, this is taken from stack overflow
case `uname -s` in
curl -sSL | bash -s -- --version 1.15.7
warning "Setting up rvm on linux. This is a known pain point. If the script fails here
refer to the following stack overflow question:"
sudo apt-get --purge remove -yq ruby-rvm
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/ruby-rvm /etc/rvmrc /etc/profile.d/
curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby=$RUBY_VER --autolibs=enable --auto-dotfiles
# Ensure we have RVM available as a shell function so that it can mess
# with the environment and set everything up properly. The RVM install
# process adds this line to login scripts, so this shouldn't be necessary
# for the user to do each time.
if [[ `type -t rvm` != "function" ]]; then
source $RUBY_DIR/scripts/rvm
shelltype=$(basename $SHELL)
if ! hash rbenv 2>/dev/null; then
output "Adding rbenv to \$PATH in ~/.${shelltype}rc"
echo "export PATH=\"$RBENV_ROOT/bin:\$PATH\"" >> $HOME/.${shelltype}rc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> $HOME/.${shelltype}rc
export PATH="$RBENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
# Ruby doesn't like to build with clang, which is the default on OS X, so
# use gcc instead. This may not work, since if your gcc was installed with
# XCode 4.2 or greater, you have an LLVM-based gcc, which also doesn't
# always play nicely with Ruby, though it seems to be better than clang.
# You may have to install apple-gcc42 using Homebrew if this doesn't work.
# See `rvm requirements` for more information.
case `uname -s` in
export CC=gcc
if [[ ! -d $RBENV_ROOT/versions/$RUBY_VER ]]; then
output "Installing Ruby $RUBY_VER"
rbenv install $RUBY_VER
rbenv global $RUBY_VER
# Current stable version of RVM (1.19.0) requires the following to build Ruby:
# autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libyaml libxml2 libxslt libksba openssl
# If we decide to upgrade from the current version (1.15.7), can run
# LESS="-E" rvm install $RUBY_VER --autolibs=3 --with-readline
# to have RVM look for a package manager like Homebrew and install any missing
# libs automatically. RVM's --autolibs flag defaults to 2, which will fail if
# any required libs are missing.
LESS="-E" rvm install $RUBY_VER --with-readline
# Create the "edx" gemset
rvm use "$RUBY_VER@edx-platform" --create
rvm rubygems latest
output "Installing gem bundler"
gem install bundler
if ! hash bundle 2>/dev/null; then
output "Installing gem bundler"
gem install bundler
rbenv rehash
output "Installing ruby packages"
bundle install --gemfile $BASE/edx-platform/Gemfile
# Install Python virtualenv
output "Installing python virtualenv"
case `uname -s` in
......@@ -528,7 +481,6 @@ pip install -r $BASE/edx-platform/requirements/edx/pre.txt
output "Installing edX requirements"
# Install prereqs
cd $BASE/edx-platform
rvm use "$RUBY_VER@edx-platform"
rake install_prereqs
# Final dependecy
......@@ -559,11 +511,10 @@ if [[ ! $quiet ]]; then
To start using Django you will need to activate the local Python
and Ruby environments. Ensure the following lines are added to your
environment. Ensure the following lines are added to your
login script, and source your login script if needed:
source `which`
source $RUBY_DIR/scripts/rvm
Then, every time you're ready to work on the project, just run
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