Commit 09ec156b by Bridger Maxwell

Removed python code in templates to be javascript.

parent 95c4ef02
......@@ -3,30 +3,30 @@
import math
data = []
xticks = []
yticks = []
maxx = 1
maxy = 1.5
#Here we change the y-axis (count) to be logorithmic. We also define better ticks
for score, count in histogram:
score = score or 0 #Sometimes score is None. This fixes that
log_count = math.log(count + 1)
data.append( [score, log_count] )
yticks.append( [log_count, str(count)] )
xticks.append( [score, str(int(score))] )
maxx = max( score + 1, maxx )
maxy = max( log_count*1.1, maxy )
var rawData = ${json.dumps(histogram)};
var maxx = 1;
var maxy = 1.5;
var xticks = Array();
var yticks = Array();
var data = Array();
for (var i = 0; i < rawData.length; i++) {
var score = rawData[i][0];
var count = rawData[i][1];
var log_count = Math.log(count + 1);
data.push( [score, log_count] );
xticks.push( [score, score.toString()] );
yticks.push( [log_count, count.toString()] );
maxx = Math.max( score + 1, maxx );
maxy = Math.max(log_count*1.1, maxy );
$.plot($("#histogram_${module_id}"), [{
data: ${ json.dumps(data) },
data: data,
bars: { show: true,
align: 'center',
lineWidth: 0,
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ $.plot($("#histogram_${module_id}"), [{
color: "#b72121",
xaxis: {min: -1, max: ${maxx}, ticks: ${ json.dumps(xticks) }, tickLength: 0},
yaxis: {min: 0.0, max: ${maxy}, ticks: ${ json.dumps(yticks) }, labelWidth: 50},
xaxis: {min: -1, max: maxx, ticks: xticks, tickLength: 0},
yaxis: {min: 0.0, max: maxy, ticks: yticks, labelWidth: 50},
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