Commit 09dc884c by Calen Pennington

Isolate databases between test processes

parent cb2ac424
......@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ NOSE_ARGS = [
'--xunit-file', _REPORT_DIR / 'nosetests.xml',
TEST_ROOT = path('test_root')
# Want static files in the same dir for running on jenkins.
......@@ -99,6 +99,10 @@ NOSE_ARGS = [
'--xunit-file', _REPORT_DIR / 'nosetests.xml',
# Local Directories
TEST_ROOT = path("test_root")
# Want static files in the same dir for running on jenkins.
......@@ -181,12 +185,10 @@ CONTENTSTORE = {
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': TEST_ROOT / 'db' / 'edx.db',
'student_module_history': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': TEST_ROOT / 'db' / 'student_module_history.db'
......@@ -10,11 +10,14 @@ Utility classes for testing django applications.
import copy
from django import db
from django.core.cache import caches
from django.test import TestCase, override_settings
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import sites
from nose.plugins import Plugin
from request_cache.middleware import RequestCache
......@@ -138,3 +141,20 @@ class CacheIsolationTestCase(CacheIsolationMixin, TestCase):
class NoseDatabaseIsolation(Plugin):
nosetest plugin that resets django databases before any tests begin.
Used to make sure that tests running in multi processes aren't sharing
a database connection.
name = "database-isolation"
def begin(self):
Before any tests start, reset all django database connections.
for db_ in db.connections.all():
......@@ -97,21 +97,22 @@ case "$TEST_SUITE" in
case "$SHARD" in
paver test_system -s lms --extra_args="--with-flaky" --cov_args="-p"
paver test_system -s lms --extra_args="$LMS_ARGS" --cov_args="-p" -v
paver test_system -s lms --extra_args="--attr='shard_1' --with-flaky" --cov_args="-p" -v
paver test_system -s lms --extra_args="--attr='shard_1' $LMS_ARGS" --cov_args="-p" -v
paver test_system -s lms --extra_args="--attr='shard_2' --with-flaky" --cov_args="-p" -v
paver test_system -s lms --extra_args="--attr='shard_2' $LMS_ARGS" --cov_args="-p" -v
paver test_system -s lms --extra_args="--attr='shard_3' --with-flaky" --cov_args="-p" -v
paver test_system -s lms --extra_args="--attr='shard_3' $LMS_ARGS" --cov_args="-p" -v
paver test_system -s lms --extra_args="--attr='shard_1=False,shard_2=False,shard_3=False' --with-flaky" --cov_args="-p" -v
paver test_system -s lms --extra_args="--attr='shard_1=False,shard_2=False,shard_3=False' $LMS_ARGS" --cov_args="-p" -v
# If no shard is specified, rather than running all tests, create an empty xunit file. This is a
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