Commit 09442ef4 by Sarina Canelake

Port spoc gradebook to new instructor dash

parent c224fe57
......@@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ def i_click_on_the_tab(step, tab_text):
@step('I click on the "([^"]*)" link$')
def i_click_on_the_link(step, link_text):
@step('I visit the courseware URL$')
def i_visit_the_course_info_url(step):
......@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ Feature: LMS.LTI component
Then I see text "Problem Scores: 5/10"
And I see graph with total progress "5%"
Then I click on the "Instructor" tab
And I click on the "Gradebook" tab
And I click on the "Student Admin" tab
And I click on the "View Gradebook" link
And I see in the gradebook table that "HW" is "50"
And I see in the gradebook table that "Total" is "5"
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django_future.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control
from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.http import Http404
......@@ -18,9 +19,10 @@ from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xblock.field_data import DictFieldData
from xblock.fields import ScopeIds
from courseware.access import has_access
from import get_course_by_id, get_cms_course_link
from import get_course_by_id, get_cms_course_link, get_course_with_access
from django_comment_client.utils import has_forum_access
from django_comment_common.models import FORUM_ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR
from instructor.offline_gradecalc import student_grades
from student.models import CourseEnrollment
from bulk_email.models import CourseAuthorization
from class_dashboard.dashboard_data import get_section_display_name, get_array_section_has_problem
......@@ -156,15 +158,23 @@ def _section_membership(course_id, access):
def _section_student_admin(course_id, access):
""" Provide data for the corresponding dashboard section """
is_small_course = False
enrollment_count = CourseEnrollment.num_enrolled_in(course_id)
max_enrollment_for_buttons = settings.FEATURES.get("MAX_ENROLLMENT_INSTR_BUTTONS")
if max_enrollment_for_buttons is not None:
is_small_course = enrollment_count <= max_enrollment_for_buttons
section_data = {
'section_key': 'student_admin',
'section_display_name': _('Student Admin'),
'access': access,
'is_small_course': is_small_course,
'get_student_progress_url_url': reverse('get_student_progress_url', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
'enrollment_url': reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
'reset_student_attempts_url': reverse('reset_student_attempts', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
'rescore_problem_url': reverse('rescore_problem', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
'list_instructor_tasks_url': reverse('list_instructor_tasks', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
'spoc_gradebook_url': reverse('spoc_gradebook', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
return section_data
......@@ -246,3 +256,42 @@ def _section_metrics(course_id, access):
'get_students_problem_grades_url': reverse('get_students_problem_grades'),
return section_data
#---- Gradebook (shown to small courses only) ----
@cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)
def spoc_gradebook(request, course_id):
Show the gradebook for this course:
- Only shown for courses with enrollment < settings.FEATURES.get("MAX_ENROLLMENT_INSTR_BUTTONS")
- Only displayed to course staff
course = get_course_with_access(request.user, course_id, 'staff', depth=None)
enrolled_students = User.objects.filter(
# TODO (vshnayder): implement pagination to show to large courses
max_num_students = settings.FEATURES.get("MAX_ENROLLMENT_INSTR_BUTTONS")
enrolled_students = enrolled_students[:max_num_students] # HACK!
student_info = [
'username': student.username,
'grade_summary': student_grades(student, request, course),
for student in enrolled_students
return render_to_response('courseware/gradebook.html', {
'students': student_info,
'course': course,
'course_id': course_id,
# Checked above
'staff_access': True,
'ordered_grades': sorted(course.grade_cutoffs.items(), key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=True),
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%page args="section_data"/>
%if section_data['is_small_course']:
## Show the gradebook for small courses
<h2>${_("Student Gradebook")}</h2>
${_("Click here to view the gradebook for enrolled students. This feature is only visible to courses with a small number of total enrolled students.")}
<a href="${ section_data['spoc_gradebook_url'] }" class="progress-link"> ${_("View Gradebook")} </a>
<div class="student-specific-container action-type-container">
<h2>${_("Student-specific grade inspection")}</h2>
<div class="request-response-error"></div>
......@@ -273,6 +273,8 @@ if settings.COURSEWARE_ENABLED:
'instructor.views.instructor_dashboard.instructor_dashboard_2', name="instructor_dashboard"),
'instructor.views.instructor_dashboard.spoc_gradebook', name='spoc_gradebook'),
# see ENABLE_INSTRUCTOR_LEGACY_DASHBOARD section for legacy dash urls
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