Commit 08a81642 by Christina Roberts

Merge pull request #12155 from edx/christina/allow-multiple-random-cohorts

Allow multiple random cohorts.
parents 0c9f9d46 1cd54d5f
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from import get_course_by_id
from verified_track_content.tasks import sync_cohort_with_mode
from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.cohorts import (
get_course_cohorts, CourseCohort, is_course_cohorted, get_random_cohort, is_default_cohort
get_course_cohorts, CourseCohort, is_course_cohorted, get_random_cohort
import logging
......@@ -39,30 +39,24 @@ def move_to_verified_cohort(sender, instance, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unus
course = get_course_by_id(course_key)
existing_manual_cohorts = get_course_cohorts(course, CourseCohort.MANUAL)
if any( == verified_cohort_name for cohort in existing_manual_cohorts):
# Verify that a single random cohort exists in the course. Note that calling this method will create
# a "Default Group" random cohort if no random cohorts exist yet.
# Get a random cohort to use as the default cohort (for audit learners).
# Note that calling this method will create a "Default Group" random cohort if no random
# cohort yet exist.
random_cohort = get_random_cohort(course_key)
if not is_default_cohort(random_cohort):
"Automatic verified cohorting enabled for course '%s', "
"but course does not have exactly one default cohort for audit learners.",
args = {
'course_id': unicode(course_key),
'verified_cohort_name': verified_cohort_name,
# Do the update with a 3-second delay in hopes that the CourseEnrollment transaction has been
# completed before the celery task runs. We want a reasonably short delay in case the learner
# immediately goes to the courseware.
sync_cohort_with_mode.apply_async(kwargs=args, countdown=3)
# In case the transaction actually was not committed before the celery task runs,
# run it again after 5 minutes. If the first completed successfully, this task will be a no-op.
sync_cohort_with_mode.apply_async(kwargs=args, countdown=300)
args = {
'course_id': unicode(course_key),
'verified_cohort_name': verified_cohort_name,
# Do the update with a 3-second delay in hopes that the CourseEnrollment transaction has been
# completed before the celery task runs. We want a reasonably short delay in case the learner
# immediately goes to the courseware.
sync_cohort_with_mode.apply_async(kwargs=args, countdown=3)
# In case the transaction actually was not committed before the celery task runs,
# run it again after 5 minutes. If the first completed successfully, this task will be a no-op.
sync_cohort_with_mode.apply_async(kwargs=args, countdown=300)
"Automatic verified cohorting enabled for course '%s', "
Test for forms helpers.
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import SharedModuleStoreTestCase
......@@ -165,27 +165,6 @@ class TestMoveToVerified(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
error_message = "cohort named '%s' does not exist"
self.assertIn(error_message, error_logger.call_args[0][0])
def test_cohorting_enabled_too_many_random_cohorts(self, error_logger):
If the VerifiedTrackCohortedCourse feature is enabled for a course and the course is cohorted,
but the course has > 1 random cohorts, an error is logged and enrollment mode changes do not
move learners into a cohort.
# Enable cohorting, and create the verified cohort.
# Create two random cohorts.
self._create_named_random_cohort("Random 1")
self._create_named_random_cohort("Random 2")
# Enable verified track cohorting feature
error_message = "course does not have exactly one default cohort"
self.assertIn(error_message, error_logger.call_args[0][0])
def test_automatic_cohorting_enabled(self):
If the VerifiedTrackCohortedCourse feature is enabled for a course (with course cohorting enabled
......@@ -207,6 +186,30 @@ class TestMoveToVerified(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
self.assertEqual(4, self.mocked_celery_task.call_count)
self.assertEqual(DEFAULT_VERIFIED_COHORT_NAME, get_cohort(self.user,, assign=False).name)
def test_cohorting_enabled_multiple_random_cohorts(self):
If the VerifiedTrackCohortedCourse feature is enabled for a course, and the course is cohorted
with > 1 random cohorts, the learner is randomly assigned to one of the random
cohorts when in the audit track.
# Enable cohorting, and create the verified cohort.
# Create two random cohorts.
self._create_named_random_cohort("Random 1")
self._create_named_random_cohort("Random 2")
# Enable verified track cohorting feature
self.assertIn(get_cohort(self.user,, assign=False).name, ["Random 1", "Random 2"])
self.assertEqual(DEFAULT_VERIFIED_COHORT_NAME, get_cohort(self.user,, assign=False).name)
self.assertIn(get_cohort(self.user,, assign=False).name, ["Random 1", "Random 2"])
def test_unenrolled(self):
Test that un-enrolling and re-enrolling works correctly. This is important because usually
......@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ def set_assignment_type(user_group, assignment_type):
course_cohort = user_group.cohort
if is_default_cohort(user_group) and course_cohort.assignment_type != assignment_type:
if is_last_random_cohort(user_group) and course_cohort.assignment_type != assignment_type:
raise ValueError(_("There must be one cohort to which students can automatically be assigned."))
course_cohort.assignment_type = assignment_type
......@@ -445,9 +445,9 @@ def get_assignment_type(user_group):
return course_cohort.assignment_type
def is_default_cohort(user_group):
def is_last_random_cohort(user_group):
Check if a cohort is default.
Check if this cohort is the only random cohort in the course.
random_cohorts = CourseUserGroup.objects.filter(
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