Commit 07d2de47 by Brian Wilson

Add tests for regrading at capa_module level.

parent ee5ffedf
......@@ -845,11 +845,13 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
# regrading should have no effect on attempts, so don't
# need to increment here, or mark done. Just save.
except StudentInputError as inst:
log.exception("StudentInputError in capa_module:problem_regrade")
except (StudentInputError, ResponseError, LoncapaProblemError) as inst:
log.warning("StudentInputError in capa_module:problem_regrade", exc_info=True)
event_info['failure'] = 'student_input_error'
self.system.track_function('problem_regrade_fail', event_info)
return {'success': inst.message}
return {'success': "Error: {0}".format(inst.message)}
except Exception, err:
event_info['failure'] = 'unexpected'
self.system.track_function('problem_regrade_fail', event_info)
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ from django.http import QueryDict
from . import test_system
from pytz import UTC
from capa.correctmap import CorrectMap
class CapaFactory(object):
......@@ -597,6 +598,71 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the problem was NOT reset
self.assertTrue('success' in result and not result['success'])
def test_regrade_problem_correct(self):
module = CapaFactory.create(attempts=1, done=True)
# Simulate that all answers are marked correct, no matter
# what the input is, by patching LoncapaResponse.evaluate_answers()
with patch('capa.responsetypes.LoncapaResponse.evaluate_answers') as mock_evaluate_answers:
mock_evaluate_answers.return_value = CorrectMap(CapaFactory.answer_key(), 'correct')
result = module.regrade_problem()
# Expect that the problem is marked correct
self.assertEqual(result['success'], 'correct')
# Expect that we get no HTML
self.assertFalse('contents' in result)
# Expect that the number of attempts is not incremented
self.assertEqual(module.attempts, 1)
def test_regrade_problem_incorrect(self):
module = CapaFactory.create(attempts=0, done=True)
# Simulate that all answers are marked correct, no matter
# what the input is, by patching LoncapaResponse.evaluate_answers()
with patch('capa.responsetypes.LoncapaResponse.evaluate_answers') as mock_evaluate_answers:
mock_evaluate_answers.return_value = CorrectMap(CapaFactory.answer_key(), 'incorrect')
result = module.regrade_problem()
# Expect that the problem is marked incorrect
self.assertEqual(result['success'], 'incorrect')
# Expect that the number of attempts is not incremented
self.assertEqual(module.attempts, 0)
def test_regrade_problem_not_done(self):
# Simulate that the problem is NOT done
module = CapaFactory.create(done=False)
# Try to regrade the problem, and get exception
with self.assertRaises(xmodule.exceptions.NotFoundError):
def test_regrade_problem_error(self):
# Try each exception that capa_module should handle
for exception_class in [StudentInputError,
# Create the module
module = CapaFactory.create(attempts=1, done=True)
# Simulate answering a problem that raises the exception
with patch('capa.capa_problem.LoncapaProblem.regrade_existing_answers') as mock_regrade:
mock_regrade.side_effect = exception_class('test error')
result = module.regrade_problem()
# Expect an AJAX alert message in 'success'
expected_msg = 'Error: test error'
self.assertEqual(expected_msg, result['success'])
# Expect that the number of attempts is NOT incremented
self.assertEqual(module.attempts, 1)
def test_save_problem(self):
module = CapaFactory.create(done=False)
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