Commit 07c10859 by Alexander Kryklia

improved readability of drag and drop render test

parent 3e033330
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ TODO:
import json
from lxml import etree
import unittest
import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils
......@@ -533,6 +534,25 @@ class DragAndDropTest(unittest.TestCase):
state = {'value': value,
'status': 'unsubmitted'}
user_input = { # order matters, for string comparison
"target_outline": "false",
"base_image": "/static/images/about_1.png",
"draggables": [
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Label 1", "id": "1", "icon": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "cc", "id": "name_with_icon", "icon": "/static/images/cc.jpg", },
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "arrow-left", "id": "with_icon", "icon": "/static/images/arrow-left.png", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Label2", "id": "5", "icon": "", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Mute", "id": "2", "icon": "/static/images/mute.png", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "spinner", "id": "name_label_icon3", "icon": "/static/images/spinner.gif", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Star", "id": "name4", "icon": "/static/images/volume.png", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Label3", "id": "7", "icon": "", "can_reuse": ""}],
"one_per_target": "True",
"targets": [
{"y": "90", "x": "210", "id": "t1", "w": "90", "h": "90"},
{"y": "160", "x": "370", "id": "t2", "w": "90", "h": "90"}
the_input = lookup_tag('drag_and_drop_input')(test_system, element, state)
context = the_input._get_render_context()
......@@ -540,20 +560,12 @@ class DragAndDropTest(unittest.TestCase):
'value': value,
'status': 'unsubmitted',
'msg': '',
'drag_and_drop_json': '{"use_targets": "True", \
"target_outline": "false", "one_per_target": "True", \
"draggables": [{"label": "Label 1", "id": "1", "icon": ""}, \
{"label": "cc", "id": "name_with_icon", "icon": \
"/static/images/cc.jpg"}, {"label": "arrow-left", "id": \
"with_icon", "icon": "/static/images/arrow-left.png"}, \
{"label": "Label2", "id": "5", "icon": ""}, {"label": \
"Mute", "id": "2", "icon": "/static/images/mute.png"}, \
{"label": "spinner", "id": "name_label_icon3", "icon": \
"/static/images/spinner.gif"}, {"label": "Star", "id": \
"name4", "icon": "/static/images/volume.png"}, {"label": \
"Label3", "id": "7", "icon": ""}], "base_image": \
"/static/images/about_1.png", "targets": \
[{"y": "90", "x": "210", "id": "t1", "w": "90", "h": "90"}, \
{"y": "160", "x": "370", "id": "t2", "w": "90", "h": "90"}]}',
'drag_and_drop_json': json.dumps(user_input)
# as we are dumping 'draggables' dicts while dumping user_input, string
# comparison will fail, as order of keys is random.
self.assertEqual(json.loads(context['drag_and_drop_json']), user_input)
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
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