Commit 078ad4b2 by Will Daly

Added comment justifying ModuleStoreTestCase design.

parent 8165a033
......@@ -131,6 +131,22 @@ class ModuleStoreTestCase(TestCase):
3. Use factories (e.g. `CourseFactory`, `ItemFactory`) to populate
the modulestore with test data.
* For Mongo-backed courses (created with `CourseFactory`),
the state of the course will be reset before/after each
test method executes.
* For XML-backed courses, the course state will NOT
reset between test methods (although it will reset
between test classes)
The reason is: XML courses are not editable, so to reset
a course you have to reload it from disk, which is slow.
If you do need to reset an XML course, use
`clear_existing_modulestores()` directly in
your `setUp()` method.
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