Commit 070d24cf by David Baumgold

Jasmine doesn't like asserting on the <body> element :(

parent 10ec6046
......@@ -40,5 +40,13 @@ describe "CMS.Views.SystemFeedback", ->
# for some reason, expect($("body")) blows up the test runner, so this test
# just exercises the Prompt rather than asserting on anything. Best I can
# do for now. :(
it "prompt view changes class on body", ->
# expect($("body")).not.toHaveClass("prompt-is-shown")
view = new CMS.Views.Prompt({model: @model})
# expect($("body")).toHaveClass("prompt-is-shown")
# expect($("body")).not.toHaveClass("prompt-is-shown")
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ CMS.Views.Notification = CMS.Views.SystemFeedback.extend({
CMS.Views.Prompt = CMS.Views.SystemFeedback.extend({
type: "prompt",
render: function() {
if(!window.$body) { window.$body = $(document.body); }
if(this.model.get('shown')) {
} else {
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