Commit 068d0ce6 by Valera Rozuvan Committed by polesye

Added back check in JS for empty or default URL.

parent e2fb2aec
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ window.LTI = (function () {
// @return undefined
function initialize(element) {
var form, openInANewPage;
var form, openInANewPage, formAction;
// In cms (Studio) the element is already a jQuery object. In lms it is
// a DOM object.
......@@ -47,6 +47,16 @@ window.LTI = (function () {
element = $(element);
form = element.find('.ltiLaunchForm');
formAction = form.attr('action');
// If action is empty string, or action is the default URL that should
// not cause a form submit.
if (!formAction || formAction === '') {
// Nothing to do - no valid action provided. Error message will be
// displaced in browser (HTML).
// We want a Boolean 'true' or 'false'. First we will retrieve the data
// attribute, and then we will parse it via native JSON.parse().
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