Commit 05cd3316 by Ned Batchelder

Fix pre-existing pylint errors. Diff-quality won't let me move the file otherwise.

parent 7c704f39
......@@ -45,13 +45,24 @@ def request_token(request):
This token will be the same for all calls to `request_token`
made on the same request object.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if not hasattr(request, '_xblock_token'):
request._xblock_token = uuid.uuid1().get_hex()
return request._xblock_token
def wrap_xblock(runtime_class, block, view, frag, context, usage_id_serializer, request_token, display_name_only=False, extra_data=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
def wrap_xblock(
context, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
request_token, # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
Wraps the results of rendering an XBlock view in a standard <section> with identifying
data so that the appropriate javascript module can be loaded onto it.
......@@ -181,13 +192,14 @@ def grade_histogram(module_id):
from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
q = """SELECT courseware_studentmodule.grade,
FROM courseware_studentmodule
WHERE courseware_studentmodule.module_id=%s
GROUP BY courseware_studentmodule.grade"""
query = """\
SELECT courseware_studentmodule.grade,
FROM courseware_studentmodule
WHERE courseware_studentmodule.module_id=%s
GROUP BY courseware_studentmodule.grade"""
# Passing module_id this way prevents sql-injection.
cursor.execute(q, [module_id.to_deprecated_string()])
cursor.execute(query, [module_id.to_deprecated_string()])
grades = list(cursor.fetchall())
grades.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # Add ORDER BY to sql query?
......@@ -218,7 +230,13 @@ def add_staff_markup(user, has_instructor_access, block, view, frag, context):
edit_link = "//" + settings.CMS_BASE + '/container/' + unicode(block.location)
# return edit link in rendered HTML for display
return wrap_fragment(frag, render_to_string("edit_unit_link.html", {'frag_content': frag.content, 'edit_link': edit_link}))
return wrap_fragment(
{'frag_content': frag.content, 'edit_link': edit_link}
return frag
......@@ -251,8 +269,9 @@ def add_staff_markup(user, has_instructor_access, block, view, frag, context):
source_file = block.source_file # source used to generate the problem XML, eg latex or word
# useful to indicate to staff if problem has been released or not
# TODO (ichuang): use _has_access_descriptor.can_load in lms.courseware.access, instead of now>mstart comparison here
# Useful to indicate to staff if problem has been released or not.
# TODO (ichuang): use _has_access_descriptor.can_load in lms.courseware.access,
# instead of now>mstart comparison here.
now =
is_released = "unknown"
mstart = block.start
......@@ -268,24 +287,25 @@ def add_staff_markup(user, has_instructor_access, block, view, frag, context):
log.warning("Unable to read field in Staff Debug information", exc_info=True)
field_contents.append((name, "WARNING: Unable to read field"))
staff_context = {'fields': field_contents,
'xml_attributes': getattr(block, 'xml_attributes', {}),
'location': block.location,
'xqa_key': block.xqa_key,
'source_file': source_file,
'source_url': '%s/%s/tree/master/%s' % (giturl, data_dir, source_file),
'category': str(block.__class__.__name__),
# Template uses element_id in js function names, so can't allow dashes
'element_id': block.location.html_id().replace('-', '_'),
'edit_link': edit_link,
'user': user,
'xqa_server': settings.FEATURES.get('USE_XQA_SERVER', ''),
'histogram': json.dumps(histogram),
'render_histogram': render_histogram,
'block_content': frag.content,
'is_released': is_released,
'has_instructor_access': has_instructor_access,
staff_context = {
'fields': field_contents,
'xml_attributes': getattr(block, 'xml_attributes', {}),
'location': block.location,
'xqa_key': block.xqa_key,
'source_file': source_file,
'source_url': '%s/%s/tree/master/%s' % (giturl, data_dir, source_file),
'category': str(block.__class__.__name__),
# Template uses element_id in js function names, so can't allow dashes
'element_id': block.location.html_id().replace('-', '_'),
'edit_link': edit_link,
'user': user,
'xqa_server': settings.FEATURES.get('USE_XQA_SERVER', ''),
'histogram': json.dumps(histogram),
'render_histogram': render_histogram,
'block_content': frag.content,
'is_released': is_released,
'has_instructor_access': has_instructor_access,
return wrap_fragment(frag, render_to_string("staff_problem_info.html", staff_context))
......@@ -323,7 +343,7 @@ def get_course_update_items(course_updates, provided_index=0):
# purely to handle free formed updates not done via editor. Actually kills them, but at least doesn't break.
course_html_parsed = html.fromstring(
except (etree.XMLSyntaxError, etree.ParserError):
except (etree.XMLSyntaxError, etree.ParserError): # pylint: disable=no-member
log.error("Cannot parse: " +
escaped = escape(
course_html_parsed = html.fromstring("<ol><li>" + escaped + "</li></ol>")
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