Commit 05b36bdd by Ashley Penney

Add tags to the datadog event which will be set to the appropriate filename so…

Add tags to the datadog event which will be set to the appropriate filename so we can see the cause of failures.
parent 3a4091b7
......@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
and TestCenterRegistration tables with status.
def datadog_error(string):
dog_http_api.event("Pearson Import", string, alert_type='error')
def datadog_error(string, tags):
dog_http_api.event("Pearson Import", string, alert_type='error', tags=tags)
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
if len(args) < 1:
......@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
elif fileinfo.filename.startswith("vcdc-"):
raise CommandError("Unrecognized confirmation file type \"{}\" in confirmation zip file \"{}\"".format(fileinfo.filename, zipfile))
error = "Unrecognized confirmation file type\"{}\" in confirmation zip file \"{}\"".format(fileinfo.filename, zipfile)
Command.datadog_error(error, source_zip)
raise CommandError(error)
def process_eac(self, eacfile):
print "processing eac"
......@@ -53,31 +55,31 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
client_authorization_id = row['ClientAuthorizationID']
if not client_authorization_id:
if row['Status'] == 'Error':
Command.datadog_error("Error in EAD file processing ({}): {}".format(row['Date'], row['Message']))
Command.datadog_error("Error in EAD file processing ({}): {}".format(row['Date'], row['Message']), eacfile)
Command.datadog_error("Encountered bad record: {}".format(row))
Command.datadog_error("Encountered bad record: {}".format(row), eacfile)
registration = TestCenterRegistration.objects.get(client_authorization_id=client_authorization_id)
Command.datadog_error("Found authorization record for user {}".format(registration.testcenter_user.user.username))
Command.datadog_error("Found authorization record for user {}".format(registration.testcenter_user.user.username), eacfile)
# now update the record:
registration.upload_status = row['Status']
registration.upload_error_message = row['Message']
registration.processed_at = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', strptime(row['Date'], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'))
except ValueError as ve:
Command.datadog_error("Bad Date value found for {}: message {}".format(client_authorization_id, ve))
Command.datadog_error("Bad Date value found for {}: message {}".format(client_authorization_id, ve), eacfile)
# store the authorization Id if one is provided. (For debugging)
if row['AuthorizationID']:
registration.authorization_id = int(row['AuthorizationID'])
except ValueError as ve:
Command.datadog_error("Bad AuthorizationID value found for {}: message {}".format(client_authorization_id, ve))
Command.datadog_error("Bad AuthorizationID value found for {}: message {}".format(client_authorization_id, ve), eacfile)
registration.confirmed_at = datetime.utcnow()
except TestCenterRegistration.DoesNotExist:
Command.datadog_error("Failed to find record for client_auth_id {}".format(client_authorization_id))
Command.datadog_error("Failed to find record for client_auth_id {}".format(client_authorization_id), eacfile)
def process_vcdc(self, vcdcfile):
print "processing vcdc"
......@@ -86,28 +88,28 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
client_candidate_id = row['ClientCandidateID']
if not client_candidate_id:
if row['Status'] == 'Error':
Command.datadog_error("Error in CDD file processing ({}): {}".format(row['Date'], row['Message']))
Command.datadog_error("Error in CDD file processing ({}): {}".format(row['Date'], row['Message']), vcdcfile)
Command.datadog_error("Encountered bad record: {}".format(row))
Command.datadog_error("Encountered bad record: {}".format(row), vcdcfile)
tcuser = TestCenterUser.objects.get(client_candidate_id=client_candidate_id)
Command.datadog_error("Found demographics record for user {}".format(tcuser.user.username))
Command.datadog_error("Found demographics record for user {}".format(tcuser.user.username), vcdcfile)
# now update the record:
tcuser.upload_status = row['Status']
tcuser.upload_error_message = row['Message']
tcuser.processed_at = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', strptime(row['Date'], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'))
except ValueError as ve:
Command.datadog_error("Bad Date value found for {}: message {}".format(client_candidate_id, ve))
Command.datadog_error("Bad Date value found for {}: message {}".format(client_candidate_id, ve), vcdcfile)
# store the candidate Id if one is provided. (For debugging)
if row['CandidateID']:
tcuser.candidate_id = int(row['CandidateID'])
except ValueError as ve:
Command.datadog_error("Bad CandidateID value found for {}: message {}".format(client_candidate_id, ve))
Command.datadog_error("Bad CandidateID value found for {}: message {}".format(client_candidate_id, ve), vcdcfile)
tcuser.confirmed_at = datetime.utcnow()
except TestCenterUser.DoesNotExist:
Command.datadog_error(" Failed to find record for client_candidate_id {}".format(client_candidate_id))
Command.datadog_error(" Failed to find record for client_candidate_id {}".format(client_candidate_id), vcdcfile)
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