Commit 05972a60 by Alison Hodges

Merge pull request #8677 from edx/ahodges/video_help

Fixes DOC-1715, video doc is now in the correct RTD project
parents ab915d19 9ed127ec
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ content_libraries = creating_content/libraries.html
content_groups = cohorts/cohorted_courseware.html
group_configurations = content_experiments/content_experiments_configure.html#set-up-group-configurations-in-edx-studio
container = developing_course/course_components.html#components-that-contain-other-components
video = index.html
video = video/video_uploads.html
certificates = building_course/creating_course_certificates.html
# below are the language directory names for the different locales
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