Commit 05817614 by Jonathan Piacenti Committed by E. Kolpakov

Removed the ability to add Discussion and advanced components to Content Libraries.

parent 3e0f08eb
......@@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ def container_handler(request, usage_key_string):
return HttpResponseBadRequest("Only supports HTML requests")
def get_component_templates(course):
def get_component_templates(courselike, library=False):
Returns the applicable component templates that can be used by the specified course.
Returns the applicable component templates that can be used by the specified course or library.
def create_template_dict(name, cat, boilerplate_name=None, is_common=False):
......@@ -250,7 +250,13 @@ def get_component_templates(course):
categories = set()
# The component_templates array is in the order of "advanced" (if present), followed
# by the components in the order listed in COMPONENT_TYPES.
for category in COMPONENT_TYPES:
component_types = COMPONENT_TYPES[:]
# Libraries do not support discussions
if library:
component_types = [component for component in component_types if component != 'discussion']
for category in component_types:
templates_for_category = []
component_class = _load_mixed_class(category)
# add the default template with localized display name
......@@ -264,7 +270,7 @@ def get_component_templates(course):
if hasattr(component_class, 'templates'):
for template in component_class.templates():
filter_templates = getattr(component_class, 'filter_templates', None)
if not filter_templates or filter_templates(template, course):
if not filter_templates or filter_templates(template, courselike):
......@@ -289,11 +295,15 @@ def get_component_templates(course):
"display_name": component_display_names[category]
# Libraries do not support advanced components at this time.
if library:
return component_templates
# Check if there are any advanced modules specified in the course policy.
# These modules should be specified as a list of strings, where the strings
# are the names of the modules in ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES that should be
# enabled for the course.
course_advanced_keys = course.advanced_modules
course_advanced_keys = courselike.advanced_modules
advanced_component_templates = {"type": "advanced", "templates": [], "display_name": _("Advanced")}
advanced_component_types = _advanced_component_types()
# Set component types according to course policy file
......@@ -460,6 +460,13 @@ def _create_item(request):
if not has_course_author_access(request.user, usage_key.course_key):
raise PermissionDenied()
if isinstance(usage_key, LibraryUsageLocator):
# Only these categories are supported at this time.
if category not in ['html', 'problem', 'video']:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(
"Category '%s' not supported for Libraries" % category, content_type='text/plain'
store = modulestore()
with store.bulk_operations(usage_key.course_key):
parent = store.get_item(usage_key)
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ def library_blocks_view(library, response_format):
xblock_info = create_xblock_info(library, include_ancestor_info=False, graders=[])
component_templates = get_component_templates(library)
component_templates = get_component_templates(library, library=True)
return render_to_response('library.html', {
'context_library': library,
......@@ -1469,6 +1469,41 @@ class TestLibraryXBlockInfo(ModuleStoreTestCase):
self.assertIsNone(xblock_info.get('graders', None))
class TestLibraryXBlockCreation(ItemTest):
Tests the adding of XBlocks to Library
def test_add_xblock(self):
Verify we can add an XBlock to a Library.
lib = LibraryFactory.create()
self.create_xblock(parent_usage_key=lib.location, display_name='Test', category="html")
lib =
xblock_locator = lib.children[0]
self.assertEqual(, 'Test')
def test_no_add_discussion(self):
Verify we cannot add a discussion module to a Library.
lib = LibraryFactory.create()
response = self.create_xblock(parent_usage_key=lib.location, display_name='Test', category='discussion')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
lib =
def test_no_add_advanced(self):
lib = LibraryFactory.create()
lib.advanced_modules = ['lti']
response = self.create_xblock(parent_usage_key=lib.location, display_name='Test', category='lti')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
lib =
class TestXBlockPublishingInfo(ItemTest):
Unit tests for XBlock's outline handling.
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Unit tests for contentstore.views.library
More important high-level tests are in contentstore/tests/
from contentstore.tests.utils import AjaxEnabledTestClient, parse_json
from contentstore.views.component import get_component_templates
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import LibraryFactory
from mock import patch
......@@ -183,3 +184,16 @@ class UnitTestLibraries(ModuleStoreTestCase):
lib = LibraryFactory.create()
response = self.client.get(make_url_for_lib(lib.location.library_key))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
def test_get_component_templates(self):
Verify that templates for adding discussion and advanced components to
content libraries are not provided.
lib = LibraryFactory.create()
lib.advanced_modules = ['lti']
templates = [template['type'] for template in get_component_templates(lib, library=True)]
self.assertIn('problem', templates)
self.assertNotIn('discussion', templates)
self.assertNotIn('advanced', templates)
Acceptance tests for Content Libraries in Studio
from .base_studio_test import StudioLibraryTest
from import add_component
from import LibraryPage
......@@ -102,3 +101,9 @@ class LibraryEditPageTest(StudioLibraryTest):
self.assertEqual(len(self.lib_page.xblocks), 1)
problem_block = self.lib_page.xblocks[0]
self.assertIn("Laura Roslin", problem_block.student_content)
def test_no_discussion_button(self):
Ensure the UI is not loaded for adding discussions.
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