Commit 044a8a5c by cahrens


parent 039160f5
......@@ -55,36 +55,32 @@ CMS.Views.Settings.Advanced = CMS.Views.ValidatingView.extend({
attachJSONEditor : function (textarea) {
var self = this;
CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea, {
mode: "text/html", lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: true,
mode: "application/json", lineNumbers: false, lineWrapping: true,
onBlur: function (mirror) {
var key = $(mirror.getWrapperElement()).closest('.row').children('.key').attr('id');;
var quotedValue = mirror.getValue();
// TODO: error checking
var JSONValue = JSON.parse(quotedValue);
self.model.set(key, JSONValue, {validate: true});
// cachethis.clearValidationErrors();
// var newVal = mirror.getValue();
// if (cachethis.model.get(field) != newVal), newVal,
// { error: CMS.ServerError});
showMessage: function (type) {
// var saveButton = this.$el.find(".save-button").addClass('disabled');
// var cancelButton = this.$el.find(".cancel-button").addClass('disabled');
var saveButton = this.$el.find(".save-button").addClass('disabled');
var cancelButton = this.$el.find(".cancel-button").addClass('disabled');
if (type) {
if (type === this.error_saving) {
// saveButton.removeClass("disabled");
// cancelButton.removeClass("disabled");
else if (type === this.unsaved_changes) {
// saveButton.removeClass("disabled");
// cancelButton.removeClass("disabled");
else if (type === this.successful_changes)
......@@ -136,8 +132,8 @@ CMS.Views.Settings.Advanced = CMS.Views.ValidatingView.extend({
// disable the value entry until there's an acceptable key
this.fieldToSelectorMap[this.new_key] = this.new_key;
// need to refind b/c replaceWith seems to copy rather than use the specific ele instance
var policyValueDivs = this.$el.find('#' + this.new_key).closest('li').find('.ace');
// need to re-find b/c replaceWith seems to copy rather than use the specific ele instance
var policyValueDivs = this.$el.find('#' + this.new_key).closest('li').find('.json');
// only 1 but hey, let's take advantage of the context mechanism
_.each(policyValueDivs, this.attachJSONEditor, this);
......@@ -201,8 +197,8 @@ CMS.Views.Settings.Advanced = CMS.Views.ValidatingView.extend({
// update gui (sets all the ids etc)
var newEle = this.template({key : newKey, value : JSON.stringify(this.model.get(newKey)) });
// need to refind b/c replaceWith seems to copy rather than use the specific ele instance
var policyValueDivs = this.$el.find('#' + newKey).closest('li').find('.ace');
// need to re-find b/c replaceWith seems to copy rather than use the specific ele instance
var policyValueDivs = this.$el.find('#' + newKey).closest('li').find('.json');
// only 1 but hey, let's take advantage of the context mechanism
_.each(policyValueDivs, this.attachJSONEditor, this);
......@@ -550,10 +550,16 @@
.settings-advanced {
.ace {
height: 80px;
border: 1px solid #DDD;
//.CodeMirror {
// border: 1px solid #eee;
// height: auto;
//.CodeMirror-scroll {
// overflow-y: hidden;
// overflow-x: auto;
// messages - should be synced up with global messages in the future
.message {
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