Commit 04221210 by Bridger Maxwell

Weighted section grading is mostly working, but the final grade isn't on the graph yet.

parent b0e2ea3a
......@@ -119,7 +119,36 @@ class FormatWithDropsGrader(CourseGrader):
'section_breakdown' : breakdown,
#No grade_breakdown here
class WeightedSubsectionsGrader(CourseGrader):
This grader takes a list of tuples containing (grader, section_name, weight) and computes
a final grade by totalling the contribution of each sub grader and weighting it
accordingly. For example, the sections may be
[ (homeworkGrader, "Homework", 0.15), (labGrader, "Labs", 0.15), (midtermGrader, "Midterm", 0.30), (finalGrader, "Final", 0.40) ]
def __init__(self, sections):
self.sections = sections
def grade(self, grade_sheet):
total_percent = 0.0
section_breakdown = []
grade_breakdown = []
for subgrader, section_name, weight in self.sections:
subgrade_result = subgrader.grade(grade_sheet)
weightedPercent = subgrade_result['percent'] * weight
section_detail = "{0} = {1:.1%} of a possible {2:.0%}".format(section_name, weightedPercent, weight)
section_category = "{0} - Weighted".format(section_name)
total_percent += weightedPercent
section_breakdown += subgrade_result['section_breakdown']
grade_breakdown.append( {'percent' : weightedPercent, 'detail' : section_detail, 'category' : section_category} )
return {'percent' : total_percent,
'section_breakdown' : section_breakdown,
'grade_breakdown' : grade_breakdown}
def get_score(user, problem, cache):
......@@ -245,8 +274,13 @@ def grade_sheet(student):
'sections' : sections,})
grader = FormatWithDropsGrader("Homework", 12, 2, "Homework", "Homework {index} - {name} - {percent:.0%} ({earned:g}/{possible:g})",
hwGrader = FormatWithDropsGrader("Homework", 12, 2, "Homework", "Homework {index} - {name} - {percent:.0%} ({earned:g}/{possible:g})",
"Unreleased Homework {index} - 0% (?/?)", "HW {index:02d}", "Homework Average = {percent:.0%}", "HW Avg")
labGrader = FormatWithDropsGrader("Lab", 12, 2, "Labs", "Lab {index} - {name} - {percent:.0%} ({earned:g}/{possible:g})",
"Unreleased Lab {index} - 0% (?/?)", "Lab {index:02d}", "Lab Average = {percent:.0%}", "Lab Avg")
grader = WeightedSubsectionsGrader( [(hwGrader, "Homework", 0.15), (labGrader, "Labs", 0.15)] )
grade_summary = grader.grade(totaled_scores)
......@@ -19,20 +19,19 @@ $(function () {
/* -------------------------------- Grade detail bars -------------------------------- */
colors = ["#b72121", "#600101", "#666666", "#333333"]
categories = {}
tickIndex = 1
sectionSpacer = 0.5
sectionIndex = 0
series = []
ticks = [] #These are the indices and x-axis labels for the data
bottomTicks = [] #Labels on the bottom
detail_tooltips = {} #This an dictionary mapping from 'section' -> array of detail_tooltips
droppedScores = [] #These are the datapoints to indicate assignments which aren't factored into the total score
droppedScores = [] #These are the datapoints to indicate assignments which are not factored into the total score
dropped_score_tooltips = []
for section in grade_summary['section_breakdown']:
......@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ $(function () {
categories[ section['category'] ] = {'label' : section['category'],
'data' : [],
'color' : colors[colorIndex]}
categoryData = categories[ section['category'] ]
categoryData['data'].append( [tickIndex, section['percent']] )
......@@ -60,9 +59,10 @@ $(function () {
if section.get('prominent', False):
tickIndex += sectionSpacer
var series = ${ json.dumps(series) };
var series = ${ json.dumps( categories.values() ) };
var ticks = ${ json.dumps(ticks) };
var bottomTicks = ${ json.dumps(bottomTicks) };
var detail_tooltips = ${ json.dumps(detail_tooltips) };
......@@ -86,9 +86,7 @@ $(function () {
var $grade_detail_graph = $("#${graph_div_id}");
if ($grade_detail_graph.length > 0) {
var plot = $.plot($grade_detail_graph, series, options);
var o = plot.pointOffset({x: ${overviewBarX} , y: ${totalScore}});
$grade_detail_graph.append('<div style="position:absolute;left:' + (o.left - 12) + 'px;top:' + ( - 20) + 'px">${"{totalscore:.0%}".format(totalscore=totalScore)}</div>');
//We need to put back the plotting of the percent here
var previousPoint = null;
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