Commit 041d72cc by Nimisha Asthagiri

Update mongo counts.

parent b28af4fd
......@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why draft find count is [19, 6]
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why split find count is [2, 2]
#'draft', [19, 6], 0), ('split', [2, 2], 0))'draft', [18, 6], 0), ('split', [16, 2], 0)) # FIXME, replace w/ above when bulk reenabled'draft', [18, 5], 0), ('split', [16, 6], 0)) # FIXME, replace w/ above when bulk reenabled
def test_path_to_location(self, default_ms, num_finds, num_sends):
......@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ class TestTOC(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why split find count is 9
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why mongo find count is 4, 4, 0), (ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split, 9, 0)), 3, 0), (ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split, 21, 0))
def test_toc_toy_from_chapter(self, default_ms, num_finds, num_sends):
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ class TestTOC(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why split find count is 9
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why mongo find count is 4, 4, 0), (ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split, 9, 0)), 3, 0), (ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split, 21, 0))
def test_toc_toy_from_section(self, default_ms, num_finds, num_sends):
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