Commit 03cec2e0 by clytwynec

Merge pull request #4167 from edx/clytwynec/rake2paver-acceptance

Clytwynec/rake2paver acceptance
parents 04d27a83 08caf81d
......@@ -291,23 +291,23 @@ To run all the acceptance tests:
To run only for lms or cms:
rake test:acceptance:lms
rake test:acceptance:cms
paver test_acceptance -s lms
paver test_acceptance -s cms
To test only a specific feature:
rake test:acceptance:lms["lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature"]
paver test_acceptance -s lms --extra_args="lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature"
To test only a specific scenario
rake test:acceptance:lms["lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature -s 3"]
paver test_acceptance -s lms --extra_args="lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature -s 3"
To start the debugger on failure, add the `--pdb` option:
To start the debugger on failure, add the `--pdb` option to extra_args:
rake test:acceptance:lms["lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature --pdb"]
paver test_acceptance -s lms --extra_args="lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature --pdb"
To run tests faster by not collecting static files, you can use
`rake test:acceptance:lms:fast` and `rake test:acceptance:cms:fast`.
`paver test_acceptance -s lms --fasttest` and `paver test_acceptance -s cms --fasttest`.
Acceptance tests will run on a randomized port and can be run in the background of rake cms and lms or unit tests.
To specify the port, change the LETTUCE_SERVER_PORT constant in cms/envs/ and lms/envs/
paver commands
from . import assets, servers, docs, prereqs, quality, tests, js_test, i18n, bok_choy
from . import assets, servers, docs, prereqs, quality, tests, js_test, i18n, bok_choy, acceptance_test
Acceptance test tasks
from paver.easy import task, cmdopts, needs
from pavelib.utils.test.suites import AcceptanceTestSuite
from optparse import make_option
from pygments.console import colorize
except ImportError:
colorize = lambda color, text: text # pylint: disable-msg=invalid-name
__test__ = False # do not collect
("system=", "s", "System to act on"),
("fasttest", "a", "Run without collectstatic"),
("extra_args=", "e", "adds as extra args to the test command"),
make_option("--verbose", action="store_const", const=2, dest="verbosity"),
make_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=0, dest="verbosity"),
make_option("-v", "--verbosity", action="count", dest="verbosity"),
def test_acceptance(options):
Run the acceptance tests for the either lms or cms
opts = {
'fasttest': getattr(options, 'fasttest', False),
'system': getattr(options, 'system', None),
'verbosity': getattr(options, 'verbosity', 3),
'extra_args': getattr(options, 'extra_args', ''),
if opts['system'] not in ['cms', 'lms']:
msg = colorize(
'No system specified, running tests for both cms and lms.'
suite = AcceptanceTestSuite('{} acceptance'.format(opts['system']), **opts)
......@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ from .suite import TestSuite
from .nose_suite import NoseTestSuite, SystemTestSuite, LibTestSuite
from .python_suite import PythonTestSuite
from .js_suite import JsTestSuite
from .acceptance_suite import AcceptanceTestSuite
Acceptance test suite
from paver.easy import sh, call_task
from pavelib.utils.test import utils as test_utils
from pavelib.utils.test.suites import TestSuite
from pavelib.utils.envs import Env
__test__ = False # do not collect
class AcceptanceTest(TestSuite):
A class for running lettuce acceptance tests.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AcceptanceTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.report_dir = Env.REPORT_DIR / 'acceptance'
self.fasttest = kwargs.get('fasttest', False)
self.system = kwargs.get('system', None)
self.extra_args = kwargs.get('extra_args', '')
def __enter__(self):
super(AcceptanceTest, self).__enter__()
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
super(AcceptanceTest, self).__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
def cmd(self):
report_file = self.report_dir / "{}.xml".format(self.system)
report_args = "--with-xunit --xunit-file {}".format(report_file)
cmd = (
"./ {system} --settings acceptance harvest --traceback "
"--debug-mode --verbosity {verbosity} {report_args} {extra_args}".format(
return cmd
def _update_assets(self):
args = [self.system, '--settings=acceptance']
if self.fasttest:
call_task('pavelib.assets.update_assets', args=args)
class AcceptanceTestSuite(TestSuite):
A class for running lettuce acceptance tests.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AcceptanceTestSuite, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.root = 'acceptance'
self.db = Env.REPO_ROOT / 'test_root/db/test_edx.db'
self.db_cache = Env.REPO_ROOT / 'common/test/db_cache/lettuce.db'
self.system = kwargs.get('system', None)
self.fasttest = kwargs.get('fasttest', False)
if self.system:
self.subsuites = [
AcceptanceTest('{} acceptance'.format(self.system), **kwargs),
kwargs['system'] = 'lms'
lms = AcceptanceTest('lms acceptance', **kwargs)
kwargs['system'] = 'cms'
cms = AcceptanceTest('cms acceptance', **kwargs)
self.subsuites = [lms, cms]
def __enter__(self):
super(AcceptanceTestSuite, self).__enter__()
if not self.fasttest:
def _setup_acceptance_db(self):
TODO: Improve the following
Since the CMS depends on the existence of some database tables
that are now in common but used to be in LMS (Role/Permissions for Forums)
we need to create/migrate the database tables defined in the LMS.
We might be able to address this by moving out the migrations from
lms/django_comment_client, but then we'd have to repair all the existing
migrations from the upgrade tables in the DB.
But for now for either system (lms or cms), use the lms
definitions to sync and migrate.
if self.db.isfile():
# Since we are using SQLLite, we can reset the database by deleting it on disk.
if self.db_cache.isfile():
# To speed up migrations, we check for a cached database file and start from that.
# The cached database file should be checked into the repo
# Copy the cached database to the test root directory
sh("cp {db_cache} {db}".format(db_cache=self.db_cache, db=self.db))
# Run migrations to update the db, starting from its cached state
sh("./ lms --settings acceptance migrate --traceback --noinput")
# If no cached database exists, syncdb before migrating, then create the cache
sh("./ lms --settings acceptance syncdb --traceback --noinput")
sh("./ lms --settings acceptance migrate --traceback --noinput")
# Create the cache if it doesn't already exist
sh("cp {db} {db_cache}".format(db_cache=self.db_cache, db=self.db))
ACCEPTANCE_DB = File.join(REPO_ROOT, 'test_root/db/test_edx.db')
ACCEPTANCE_DB_CACHE = File.join(REPO_ROOT, 'common/test/db_cache/lettuce.db')
ACCEPTANCE_REPORT_DIR = report_dir_path('acceptance')
def run_acceptance_tests(system, harvest_args)
# Create the acceptance report directory
# because if it doesn't exist then lettuce will give an IOError.
report_dir = report_dir_path('acceptance')
report_file = File.join(ACCEPTANCE_REPORT_DIR, "#{system}.xml")
report_args = "--with-xunit --xunit-file #{report_file}"
cmd = django_admin(
system, 'acceptance', 'harvest', '--debug-mode',
'--verbosity 2', report_args, harvest_args
test_sh("#{system} acceptance tests", cmd)
task :setup_acceptance_db do
# HACK: Since the CMS depends on the existence of some database tables
# that are now in common but used to be in LMS (Role/Permissions for Forums)
# we need to create/migrate the database tables defined in the LMS.
# We might be able to address this by moving out the migrations from
# lms/django_comment_client, but then we'd have to repair all the existing
# migrations from the upgrade tables in the DB.
# But for now for either system (lms or cms), use the lms
# definitions to sync and migrate.
# Since we are using SQLLite, we can reset the database by deleting it on disk.
if File.exists?(ACCEPTANCE_DB)
# To speed up migrations, we check for a cached database file and start from that.
# The cached database file should be checked into the repo
if File.exists?(ACCEPTANCE_DB_CACHE)
# Copy the cached database to the test root directory
# Run migrations to update the db, starting from its cached state
sh(django_admin('lms', 'acceptance', 'migrate', '--noinput'))
# If no cached database exists, syncdb before migrating, then create the cache
sh(django_admin('lms', 'acceptance', 'syncdb', '--noinput'))
sh(django_admin('lms', 'acceptance', 'migrate', '--noinput'))
# Create the cache if it doesn't already exist
task :prep_for_acceptance_tests => [
:clean_reports_dir, :clean_test_files, ACCEPTANCE_REPORT_DIR,
:install_prereqs, :setup_acceptance_db
namespace :test do
namespace :acceptance do
task :all, [:harvest_args] => [
] do |t, args|
run_acceptance_tests('lms', args.harvest_args)
run_acceptance_tests('cms', args.harvest_args)
['lms', 'cms'].each do |system|
desc "Run the acceptance tests for the #{system}"
task system, [:harvest_args] => [
] do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:harvest_args => '')
run_acceptance_tests(system, args.harvest_args)
desc "Run acceptance tests for the #{system} without collectstatic or db migrations"
task "#{system}:fast", [:harvest_args] => [:clean_reports_dir, ACCEPTANCE_REPORT_DIR] do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:harvest_args => '')
run_acceptance_tests(system, args.harvest_args)
desc "Run the lettuce acceptance tests for lms and cms"
task :acceptance, [:harvest_args] do |t, args|
# acceptance test tasks deprecated to paver
require 'colorize'
def deprecated(deprecated, deprecated_by, *args)
task deprecated, [:harvest_args] do |t,args|
# Need to install paver dependencies for the commands to work!
sh("pip install -r requirements/edx/paver.txt")
args.with_defaults(:harvest_args => nil)
new_cmd = deprecated_by
if !args.harvest_args.nil?
new_cmd = "#{new_cmd} --extra_args='#{args.harvest_args}'"
puts("Task #{deprecated} has been deprecated. Use #{new_cmd} instead.".red)
deprecated("test:acceptance", "paver test_acceptance")
deprecated("test:acceptance:cms", "paver test_acceptance -s cms")
deprecated("test:acceptance:cms:fast", "paver test_acceptance -s cms --fasttest")
deprecated("test:acceptance:lms", "paver test_acceptance -s lms")
deprecated("test:acceptance:lms:fast", "paver test_acceptance -s lms --fasttest")
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