Unverified Commit 03809c8c by Pan Luo

Fix the wrong target.src for annotations

The annotation.target.src was assigned to a function instead of a string
because the missing brackets.
parent 5573690a
......@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ Annotator.Plugin.OpenSeaDragon = (function(_super) {
// Save source url
var source = osda.viewer.source;
var tilesUrl = typeof source.tilesUrl!='undefined'?source.tilesUrl:'';
var functionUrl = typeof source.getTileUrl!='undefined'?source.getTileUrl:'';
var functionUrl = typeof source.getTileUrl!='undefined'?source.getTileUrl():'';
annotation.target.src = tilesUrl!=''?tilesUrl:('' + functionUrl).replace(/\s+/g, ' '); // - target.src (media source)
annotation.target.ext = source.fileFormat || ""; // - target.ext (extension)
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