Commit 0258e71a by muhammad-ammar

Merge pull request #4146 from edx/ammar/remove-flash-test-scenarios

Remove Flash Test Scenarios
parents f6d5d730 3f88ff66
...@@ -47,34 +47,3 @@ Feature: LMS.Video component ...@@ -47,34 +47,3 @@ Feature: LMS.Video component
And I see video button "quality" is inactive And I see video button "quality" is inactive
And I click video button "quality" And I click video button "quality"
Then I see video button "quality" is active Then I see video button "quality" is active
# 29 Disabled 4/8/14 after intermittent failures in master
#Scenario: Transcripts are available on different speeds of Flash mode
# Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
# And I have a "" transcript file in assets
# And it has a video in "Flash" mode
# Then the video has rendered in "Flash" mode
# And I make sure captions are opened
# And I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions
# Then I select the "1.50" speed
# And I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions
# Then I select the "0.75" speed
# And I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions
# Then I select the "1.25" speed
# And I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions
# 30 Disabled 4/8/14 after intermittent failures in master
#Scenario: Elapsed time calculates correctly on different speeds of Flash mode
# Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
# And I have a "" transcript file in assets
# And it has a video in "Flash" mode
# And I make sure captions are opened
# Then I select the "1.50" speed
# And I click video button "pause"
# And I click on caption line "4", video module shows elapsed time "7"
# Then I select the "0.75" speed
# And I click video button "pause"
# And I click on caption line "3", video module shows elapsed time "9"
# Then I select the "1.25" speed
# And I click video button "pause"
# And I click on caption line "2", video module shows elapsed time "4"
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