Commit 024da20b by Piotr Mitros

Subtitle support working

branch : pmitros-subtitles
parent 086523e0
......@@ -66,28 +66,34 @@ class Module(XModule):
## Returns a set of all types of all sub-children
child_classes = [set([i.tag for i in e.iter()]) for e in self.xmltree]
self.contents=[(e.get("name"),j(self.render_function(e))) \
for e in self.xmltree]
self.titles = json.dumps(["\n".join([i.get("name").strip() for i in e.iter() if i.get("name") != None]) \
for e in self.xmltree])
self.contents = [j(self.render_function(e)) \
for e in self.xmltree]
print self.titles
for (content, element_class) in zip(self.contents, child_classes):
new_class = 'other'
for c in class_priority:
if c in element_class:
new_class = c
content[1]['type'] = new_class
content['type'] = new_class
'position': self.position}
'position': self.position,
# TODO/BUG: Destroy JavaScript should only be called for the active view
# This calls it for all the views
# To fix this, we'd probably want to have some way of assigning unique
# IDs to sequences.
destroy_js="".join([e[1]['destroy_js'] for e in self.contents if 'destroy_js' in e[1]])
destroy_js="".join([e['destroy_js'] for e in self.contents if 'destroy_js' in e])
if self.xmltree.tag == 'sequential':
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