Commit 01960483 by stv

Fix PEP8: E202 whitespace before '}'

parent 0fdf8fb2
......@@ -105,7 +105,10 @@ class TestCourseListing(ModuleStoreTestCase):
course_location = SlashSeparatedCourseKey('testOrg', 'erroredCourse', 'RunBabyRun')
course = self._create_course_with_access_groups(course_location)
course_db_record = mongo_store._find_one(course.location)
course_db_record.setdefault('metadata', {}).get('tabs', []).append({"type": "wiko", "name": "Wiki" })
course_db_record.setdefault('metadata', {}).get('tabs', []).append({
"type": "wiko",
"name": "Wiki",
{'_id': course.location.to_deprecated_son()},
{'$set': {
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