Commit 01609279 by Mark Hoeber

Merge pull request #3773 from edx/markhoeber/documentation/doc-401

Release Notes for 5/20/14
parents 34a7a3a6 6436f32d
May 20, 2014
The following information reflects what is new in the edX Platform as of May 20, 2014. See previous pages in this document for a history of changes.
edX Release Announcements Mailing List
These edX Course Staff Release Notes are always available and are updated with
each release of the edX Platform on ``_ and `edX Edge`_.
In addition, you can sign up for the new `edX Release Announcements mailing
list`_ to get an email message when we have updated the edX Course Staff Release
edX Studio
* This release introduces context-sensitive online help to Studio. You can click
**Help** in the upper-right corner to get more information about the
Studio page you are viewing. You can also click links that appear in the right
panel on some pages.
.. image:: /images/help.png
:alt: Online help links in Studio
A page in edX's continuously updated documentation that is related to the Studio page you are viewing opens in a new browser tab or window:
.. image:: /images/help_page.png
:alt: A Studio online help page
You can also expand the panel at the bottom of the Studio user interface and
use the links to access a PDF file of edX course staff documentation, edX
Studio Author Support, and edX101.
.. image:: /images/sock_help.png
:alt: Other help resources at the bottom of the Studio UI
* A problem that caused the video transcript download button to not work for
students is fixed. If this was a problem in your course, you must re-import
the course in Studio. (BLD-1014)
* A problem that prevented users with only course staff privileges from
importing courses is resolved. (STUD-1595)
edX Documentation
The following documentation is available:
* `Building and Running an edX Course`_
Click the Help buttons in the edX Studio user interface to access relevant sections in this guide. You can also download the entire guide as a PDF.
Recent changes include:
Updated `Working with Video Components`_ to reflect UI changes.
* `edX Data Documentation`_
Recent changes include:
* Added an `event list`_, an alphabetical list of events with links to the
`Tracking Logs`_ chapter.
* Updated the `Tracking Logs`_ chapter to provide a standardized structure
for delivering information about events and address problems with table
* `edX Platform Developer Documentation`_
Recent changes include:
Updated the `Analytics`_ section to include information on documenting and
debugging events.
* `edX XBlock Documentation`_
Other edX Resources
You can access the `edX Status`_ page to get an up-to-date status for all
services on and edX Edge. The page also includes the Twitter feed for
@edXstatus, which the edX Operations team uses to post updates.
You can access the public `edX roadmap`_ for
details about the currently planned product direction.
.. include:: links.rst
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ if not on_rtd: # only import and set the theme if we're building docs locally
html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
# General information about the project.
project = u'Release Notes for edX Course Staff'
project = u'edX Course Staff Release Notes'
copyright = u'2014, edX'
# The short X.Y version.
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ There is a page in this document for each update to the edX system on ``_
:maxdepth: 1
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