Commit 0039536f by Nick Parlante

Merge pull request #3872 from edx/nick/disable-masking

Temporarily disable masking
parents c22d0865 3ef1e0f7
......@@ -783,19 +783,7 @@ class MultipleChoiceResponse(LoncapaResponse):
for response in self.xml.xpath("choicegroup"):
# Is Masking enabled? -- check for shuffle or answer-pool features
ans_str = response.get("answer-pool")
if response.get("shuffle") == "true" or (ans_str is not None and ans_str != "0"):
self._has_mask = True # pylint: disable=W0201
self._mask_dict = {} # pylint: disable=W0201
# We do not want the random mask names to be the same
# for all responses in a problem (sharing the one seed),
# like mask_2 in view-source turns out to always be the correct choice.
# But it must be repeatable and a function of the seed.
# Therefore we add the _1 number from the .id to the seed.
seed_delta = int(["_") + 1:])
rng = random.Random(self.context["seed"] + seed_delta)
# e.g. mask_ids = [3, 1, 0, 2]
mask_ids = range(len(response))
# Masking (self._has_mask) is off, to be re-enabled with a future PR.
rtype = response.get('type')
if rtype not in ["MultipleChoice"]:
# force choicegroup to be MultipleChoice if not valid
......@@ -856,11 +844,11 @@ class MultipleChoiceResponse(LoncapaResponse):
Returns a list of the choice names in the order displayed to the user,
using the regular (non-masked) names.
Fails with LoncapaProblemError if called on a response that is not masking.
# With masking disabled, this computation remains interesting to see
# the displayed order, even though there is no unmasking.
choices = self.xml.xpath('choicegroup/choice')
# We let the unmask_name() raise the error for us if this response is not masking.
return [self.unmask_name(choice.get("name")) for choice in choices]
return [choice.get("name") for choice in choices]
def do_shuffle(self, tree, problem):
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class CapaAnswerPoolTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(the_html, problem.get_html(), 'should be able to call get_html() twice')
# Check about masking
response = problem.responders.values()[0]
self.assertEqual(response.unmask_order(), ['choice_3', 'choice_5', 'choice_1', 'choice_4'])
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class CapaAnswerPoolTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRegexpMatches(the_html, r"<div>\{.*'1_solution_1'.*\}</div>")
# Check about masking
response = problem.responders.values()[0]
self.assertTrue(hasattr(response, 'has_mask'))
self.assertTrue(hasattr(response, 'has_answerpool'))
self.assertEqual(response.unmask_order(), ['choice_0', 'choice_4', 'choice_3', 'choice_2'])
......@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ class CapaAnswerPoolTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRegexpMatches(the_html, r"<div>.*\[.*'correct-2'.*'wrong-1'.*'wrong-2'.*.*'wrong-3'.*'wrong-4'.*\].*</div>")
self.assertRegexpMatches(the_html, r"<div>\{.*'1_solution_2'.*\}</div>")
response = problem.responders.values()[0]
self.assertEqual(response.unmask_order(), ['choice_5', 'choice_0', 'choice_1', 'choice_3', 'choice_4'])
def test_answer_pool_2_multiplechoiceresponses_seed1(self):
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class CapaShuffleTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRegexpMatches(the_html, r"<div>.*\[.*'Banana'.*'Apple'.*'Chocolate'.*'Donut'.*\].*</div>")
# Check that choice name masking is enabled and that unmasking works
response = problem.responders.values()[0]
self.assertEqual(response.unmask_order(), ['choice_1', 'choice_0', 'choice_2', 'choice_3'])
self.assertEqual(the_html, problem.get_html(), 'should be able to call get_html() twice')
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class CapaShuffleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# B A C D
# Check that the custom name= names come through
response = problem.responders.values()[0]
self.assertEqual(response.unmask_order(), ['choice_0', 'choice_aaa', 'choice_1', 'choice_ddd'])
......@@ -90,10 +90,9 @@ class CapaShuffleTest(unittest.TestCase):
the_html = problem.get_html()
self.assertRegexpMatches(the_html, r"<div>.*\[.*'Apple'.*\].*</div>")
response = problem.responders.values()[0]
self.assertEqual(response.unmask_order(), ['choice_0'])
self.assertEqual(response.unmask_name('mask_0'), 'choice_0')
def test_shuffle_6_choices(self):
xml_str = textwrap.dedent("""
......@@ -279,9 +278,8 @@ class CapaShuffleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Look at the responses in their authored order
responses = sorted(problem.responders.values(), key=lambda resp: int(['_') + 1:]))
self.assertTrue(hasattr(responses[1], 'has_mask'))
self.assertEqual(responses[0].unmask_order(), ['choice_1', 'choice_0', 'choice_2', 'choice_3'])
self.assertEqual(responses[1].unmask_order(), ['choice_2', 'choice_0', 'choice_3', 'choice_1'])
......@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ class CapaTargetedFeedbackTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_targeted_feedback_multiple_answer_2(self):
problem = new_loncapa_problem(load_fixture('targeted_feedback_multiple.xml'))
problem.done = True
problem.student_answers = {'1_2_1': 'choice_0', '1_3_1': 'mask_1'} # Q1 wrong, Q2 correct
problem.student_answers = {'1_2_1': 'choice_0', '1_3_1': 'choice_2'} # Q1 wrong, Q2 correct
the_html = problem.get_html()
without_new_lines = the_html.replace("\n", "")
# Q1 has feedback1 and Q2 has feedbackC
......@@ -1454,17 +1454,17 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
module = CapaFactory.create(xml=self.common_shuffle_xml)
with patch.object(module.runtime, 'track_function') as mock_track_function:
get_request_dict = {CapaFactory.input_key(): 'mask_1'} # the correct choice
get_request_dict = {CapaFactory.input_key(): 'choice_3'} # the correct choice
mock_call = mock_track_function.mock_calls[0]
event_info = mock_call[1][1]
# 'answers' key modified to use unmasked name
self.assertEqual(event_info['answers'][CapaFactory.answer_key()], 'choice_3')
# 'permutation' key added to record how problem was shown
('shuffle', ['choice_3', 'choice_1', 'choice_2', 'choice_0']))
self.assertEquals(event_info['success'], 'correct')
@unittest.skip("masking temporarily disabled")
def test_save_unmask(self):
"""On problem save, unmasked data should appear on track_function."""
module = CapaFactory.create(xml=self.common_shuffle_xml)
......@@ -1476,6 +1476,7 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(event_info['answers'][CapaFactory.answer_key()], 'choice_2')
@unittest.skip("masking temporarily disabled")
def test_reset_unmask(self):
"""On problem reset, unmask names should appear track_function."""
module = CapaFactory.create(xml=self.common_shuffle_xml)
......@@ -1490,6 +1491,7 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(event_info['old_state']['student_answers'][CapaFactory.answer_key()], 'choice_2')
@unittest.skip("masking temporarily disabled")
def test_rescore_unmask(self):
"""On problem rescore, unmasked names should appear on track_function."""
module = CapaFactory.create(xml=self.common_shuffle_xml)
......@@ -1520,12 +1522,10 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
module = CapaFactory.create(xml=xml)
with patch.object(module.runtime, 'track_function') as mock_track_function:
get_request_dict = {CapaFactory.input_key(): 'mask_0'}
get_request_dict = {CapaFactory.input_key(): 'choice_2'} # mask_X form when masking enabled
mock_call = mock_track_function.mock_calls[0]
event_info = mock_call[1][1]
print event_info
# 'answers' key modified to use unmasked name
self.assertEqual(event_info['answers'][CapaFactory.answer_key()], 'choice_2')
# 'permutation' key added to record how problem was shown
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