Commit 00313e0e by Christina Roberts

Merge pull request #7226 from edx/christina/update-accounts-api

Updates to account and profile APIs based on arch council feedback
parents af14d222 1bbc07db
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class EnrollmentTest(UrlResetMixin, ModuleStoreTestCase):
# Verify that the profile API has been called as expected
if email_opt_in is not None:
opt_in = email_opt_in == 'true'
mock_update_email_opt_in.assert_called_once_with(self.USERNAME,, opt_in)
mock_update_email_opt_in.assert_called_once_with(self.user,, opt_in)
......@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ def try_change_enrollment(request):
log.exception(u"Exception automatically enrolling after login: %s", exc)
def _update_email_opt_in(request, username, org):
def _update_email_opt_in(request, org):
"""Helper function used to hit the profile API if email opt-in is enabled."""
# TODO: remove circular dependency on openedx from common
......@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ def _update_email_opt_in(request, username, org):
email_opt_in = request.POST.get('email_opt_in')
if email_opt_in is not None:
email_opt_in_boolean = email_opt_in == 'true'
profile_api.update_email_opt_in(username, org, email_opt_in_boolean)
profile_api.update_email_opt_in(request.user, org, email_opt_in_boolean)
......@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ def change_enrollment(request, check_access=True):
# Record the user's email opt-in preference
_update_email_opt_in(request, user.username,
available_modes = CourseMode.modes_for_course_dict(course_id)
......@@ -1909,7 +1909,8 @@ def reactivation_email_for_user(user):
return JsonResponse({"success": True})
# TODO: delete this method and redirect unit tests to do_email_change_request after accounts page work is done.
# TODO: delete this method and redirect unit tests to validate_new_email and do_email_change_request
# after accounts page work is done.
def change_email_request(request):
""" AJAX call from the profile page. User wants a new e-mail.
......@@ -1928,6 +1929,7 @@ def change_email_request(request):
new_email = request.POST['new_email']
validate_new_email(request.user, new_email)
do_email_change_request(request.user, new_email)
except ValueError as err:
return JsonResponse({
......@@ -1937,11 +1939,10 @@ def change_email_request(request):
return JsonResponse({"success": True})
def do_email_change_request(user, new_email, activation_key=uuid.uuid4().hex):
def validate_new_email(user, new_email):
Given a new email for a user, does some basic verification of the new address and sends an activation message
to the new address. If any issues are encountered with verification or sending the message, a ValueError will
be thrown.
Given a new email for a user, does some basic verification of the new address If any issues are encountered
with verification a ValueError will be thrown.
......@@ -1954,6 +1955,13 @@ def do_email_change_request(user, new_email, activation_key=uuid.uuid4().hex):
if User.objects.filter(email=new_email).count() != 0:
raise ValueError(_('An account with this e-mail already exists.'))
def do_email_change_request(user, new_email, activation_key=uuid.uuid4().hex):
Given a new email for a user, does some basic verification of the new address and sends an activation message
to the new address. If any issues are encountered with verification or sending the message, a ValueError will
be thrown.
pec_list = PendingEmailChange.objects.filter(user=user)
if len(pec_list) == 0:
pec = PendingEmailChange()
......@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ def change_enrollment(strategy, user=None, is_dashboard=False, *args, **kwargs):
# TODO: remove circular dependency on openedx from common
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.api import profile
opt_in = email_opt_in.lower() == 'true'
profile.update_email_opt_in(user.username,, opt_in)
profile.update_email_opt_in(user,, opt_in)
# Check whether we're blocked from enrolling by a
# country access rule.
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.core import mail
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.accounts.views import AccountView
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.accounts.api import get_account_settings
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
......@@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ class TestSubmitPhotosForVerification(TestCase):
account_settings = AccountView.get_serialized_account(self.user.username)
account_settings = get_account_settings(self.user)
self.assertEqual(account_settings['name'], full_name)
......@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _, ugettext_lazy
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.accounts.views import AccountView
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.accounts.api import get_account_settings, update_account_settings
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.accounts import NAME_MIN_LENGTH
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.api.account import AccountUserNotFound, AccountUpdateError
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.api.account import AccountUserNotFound, AccountValidationError
from course_modes.models import CourseMode
from student.models import CourseEnrollment
......@@ -714,16 +714,14 @@ def submit_photos_for_verification(request):
if SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.user_has_valid_or_pending(request.user):
return HttpResponseBadRequest(_("You already have a valid or pending verification."))
username = request.user.username
# If the user wants to change his/her full name,
# then try to do that before creating the attempt.
if request.POST.get('full_name'):
AccountView.update_account(request.user, username, {"name": request.POST.get('full_name')})
update_account_settings(request.user, {"name": request.POST.get('full_name')})
except AccountUserNotFound:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(_("No profile found for user"))
except AccountUpdateError:
except AccountValidationError:
msg = _(
"Name must be at least {min_length} characters long."
......@@ -743,7 +741,7 @@ def submit_photos_for_verification(request):
account_settings = AccountView.get_serialized_account(username)
account_settings = get_account_settings(request.user)
# Send a confirmation email to the user
context = {
......@@ -2053,14 +2053,14 @@ SEARCH_ENGINE = None
# Use the LMS specific result processor
SEARCH_RESULT_PROCESSOR = "lms.lib.courseware_search.lms_result_processor.LmsSearchResultProcessor"
# The configuration for learner profiles
# The configuration visibility of account fields.
# Default visibility level for accounts without a specified value
# The value is one of: 'all_users', 'private'
"default_visibility": "private",
# The list of all fields that can be shown on a learner's profile
"all_fields": [
# The list of all fields that can be shared with other users
"shareable_fields": [
......@@ -2069,7 +2069,7 @@ PROFILE_CONFIGURATION = {
# The list of fields that are always public on a learner's profile
# The list of account fields that are always public
"public_fields": [
Account constants
# The minimum acceptable length for the name account field
# Indicates the user's preference that all users can view the shareable fields in their account information.
# Indicates the user's preference that all their account information be private.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Unit tests for behavior that is specific to the api methods (vs. the view methods).
Most of the functionality is covered in
from mock import Mock, patch
from django.test import TestCase
import unittest
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
from django.conf import settings
from student.models import PendingEmailChange
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.api.account import (
AccountUserNotFound, AccountUpdateError, AccountNotAuthorized, AccountValidationError
from ..api import get_account_settings, update_account_settings
from ..serializers import AccountUserSerializer
def mock_render_to_string(template_name, context):
"""Return a string that encodes template_name and context"""
return str((template_name, sorted(context.iteritems())))
@unittest.skipUnless(settings.ROOT_URLCONF == 'lms.urls', 'Account APIs are only supported in LMS')
class TestAccountApi(TestCase):
These tests specifically cover the parts of the API methods that are not covered by
This includes the specific types of error raised, and default behavior when optional arguments
are not specified.
password = "test"
def setUp(self):
super(TestAccountApi, self).setUp()
self.user = UserFactory.create(password=self.password)
self.different_user = UserFactory.create(password=self.password)
self.staff_user = UserFactory(is_staff=True, password=self.password)
def test_get_username_provided(self):
"""Test the difference in behavior when a username is supplied to get_account_settings."""
account_settings = get_account_settings(self.user)
self.assertEqual(self.user.username, account_settings["username"])
account_settings = get_account_settings(self.user, username=self.user.username)
self.assertEqual(self.user.username, account_settings["username"])
account_settings = get_account_settings(self.user, username=self.different_user.username)
self.assertEqual(self.different_user.username, account_settings["username"])
def test_get_configuration_provided(self):
"""Test the difference in behavior when a configuration is supplied to get_account_settings."""
config = {
"default_visibility": "private",
"shareable_fields": [
"public_fields": [
# With default configuration settings, email is not shared with other (non-staff) users.
account_settings = get_account_settings(self.user, self.different_user.username)
self.assertFalse("email" in account_settings)
account_settings = get_account_settings(self.user, self.different_user.username, configuration=config)
self.assertEqual(, account_settings["email"])
def test_get_user_not_found(self):
"""Test that AccountUserNotFound is thrown if there is no user with username."""
with self.assertRaises(AccountUserNotFound):
get_account_settings(self.user, username="does_not_exist")
self.user.username = "does_not_exist"
with self.assertRaises(AccountUserNotFound):
def test_update_username_provided(self):
"""Test the difference in behavior when a username is supplied to update_account_settings."""
update_account_settings(self.user, {"name": "Mickey Mouse"})
account_settings = get_account_settings(self.user)
self.assertEqual("Mickey Mouse", account_settings["name"])
update_account_settings(self.user, {"name": "Donald Duck"}, username=self.user.username)
account_settings = get_account_settings(self.user)
self.assertEqual("Donald Duck", account_settings["name"])
with self.assertRaises(AccountNotAuthorized):
update_account_settings(self.different_user, {"name": "Pluto"}, username=self.user.username)
def test_update_user_not_found(self):
"""Test that AccountUserNotFound is thrown if there is no user with username."""
with self.assertRaises(AccountUserNotFound):
update_account_settings(self.user, {}, username="does_not_exist")
self.user.username = "does_not_exist"
with self.assertRaises(AccountUserNotFound):
update_account_settings(self.user, {})
def test_update_error_validating(self):
"""Test that AccountValidationError is thrown if incorrect values are supplied."""
with self.assertRaises(AccountValidationError):
update_account_settings(self.user, {"username": "not_allowed"})
with self.assertRaises(AccountValidationError):
update_account_settings(self.user, {"gender": "undecided"})
def test_update_multiple_validation_errors(self):
"""Test that all validation errors are built up and returned at once"""
# Send a read-only error, serializer error, and email validation error.
naughty_update = {
"username": "not_allowed",
"gender": "undecided",
"email": "not an email address"
error_thrown = False
update_account_settings(self.user, naughty_update)
except AccountValidationError as response:
error_thrown = True
field_errors = response.field_errors
self.assertEqual(3, len(field_errors))
self.assertEqual("This field is not editable via this API", field_errors["username"]["developer_message"])
self.assertIn("Select a valid choice", field_errors["gender"]["developer_message"])
self.assertIn("Valid e-mail address required.", field_errors["email"]["developer_message"])
self.assertTrue(error_thrown, "No AccountValidationError was thrown")
@patch('student.views.render_to_string', Mock(side_effect=mock_render_to_string, autospec=True))
def test_update_sending_email_fails(self, send_mail):
"""Test what happens if all validation checks pass, but sending the email for email change fails."""
send_mail.side_effect = [Exception, None]
less_naughty_update = {
"name": "Mickey Mouse",
"email": ""
error_thrown = False
update_account_settings(self.user, less_naughty_update)
except AccountUpdateError as response:
error_thrown = True
self.assertIn("Error thrown from do_email_change_request", response.developer_message)
self.assertTrue(error_thrown, "No AccountUpdateError was thrown")
# Verify that the name change happened, even though the attempt to send the email failed.
account_settings = get_account_settings(self.user)
self.assertEqual("Mickey Mouse", account_settings["name"])
def test_serializer_save_fails(self, serializer_save):
Test the behavior of one of the serializers failing to save. Note that email request change
won't be processed in this case.
serializer_save.side_effect = [Exception, None]
update_will_fail = {
"name": "Mickey Mouse",
"email": ""
error_thrown = False
update_account_settings(self.user, update_will_fail)
except AccountUpdateError as response:
error_thrown = True
self.assertIn("Error thrown when saving account updates", response.developer_message)
self.assertTrue(error_thrown, "No AccountUpdateError was thrown")
# Verify that no email change request was initiated.
pending_change = PendingEmailChange.objects.filter(user=self.user)
self.assertEqual(0, len(pending_change))
......@@ -67,11 +67,23 @@ class AccountNotAuthorized(AccountRequestError):
class AccountUpdateError(AccountRequestError):
An update to the account failed. More detailed information is present in error_info (a dict
with at least a developer_message, though possibly also a nested field_errors dict).
An update to the account failed. More detailed information is present in developer_message,
and depending on the type of error encountered, there may also be a non-null user_message field.
def __init__(self, error_info):
self.error_info = error_info
def __init__(self, developer_message, user_message=None):
self.developer_message = developer_message
self.user_message = user_message
class AccountValidationError(AccountRequestError):
Validation issues were found with the supplied data. More detailed information is present in field_errors,
a dict with specific information about each field that failed validation. For each field,
there will be at least a developer_message describing the validation issue, and possibly
also a user_message.
def __init__(self, field_errors):
self.field_errors = field_errors
@intercept_errors(AccountInternalError, ignore_errors=[AccountRequestError])
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import analytics
from eventtracking import tracker
from ..accounts import NAME_MIN_LENGTH
from ..accounts.views import AccountView
from ..accounts.api import get_account_settings
from ..models import User, UserPreference, UserOrgTag
from ..helpers import intercept_errors
......@@ -90,14 +90,14 @@ def update_preferences(username, **kwargs):
@intercept_errors(ProfileInternalError, ignore_errors=[ProfileRequestError])
def update_email_opt_in(username, org, optin):
def update_email_opt_in(user, org, optin):
"""Updates a user's preference for receiving org-wide emails.
Sets a User Org Tag defining the choice to opt in or opt out of organization-wide
username (str): The user to set a preference for.
user (User): The user to set a preference for.
org (str): The org is used to determine the organization this setting is related to.
optin (Boolean): True if the user is choosing to receive emails for this organization. If the user is not
the correct age to receive emails, email-optin is set to False regardless.
......@@ -105,11 +105,8 @@ def update_email_opt_in(username, org, optin):
AccountUserNotFound: Raised when the username specified is not associated with a user.
account_settings = AccountView.get_serialized_account(username)
account_settings = get_account_settings(user)
year_of_birth = account_settings['year_of_birth']
of_age = (
year_of_birth is None or # If year of birth is not set, we assume user is of age.
......@@ -118,7 +115,6 @@ def update_email_opt_in(username, org, optin):
user = User.objects.get(username=username)
preference, _ = UserOrgTag.objects.get_or_create(
user=user, org=org, key='email-optin'
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ class EmailOptInListTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
profile_api.update_email_opt_in(user.username, org, is_opted_in)
profile_api.update_email_opt_in(user, org, is_opted_in)
def _latest_pref_set_datetime(self, user):
"""Retrieve the latest opt-in preference for the user,
Profile constants
# Indicates the user's preference that all users can view their profile.
# Indicates the user's preference that their profile be private.
Unit tests for profile APIs.
import ddt
import unittest
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from mock import patch
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.accounts.tests.test_views import UserAPITestCase
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.models import UserPreference
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.profiles import PROFILE_VISIBILITY_PREF_KEY
@unittest.skipUnless(settings.ROOT_URLCONF == 'lms.urls', 'Profile APIs are only supported in LMS')
class TestProfileAPI(UserAPITestCase):
Unit tests for the profile API.
def setUp(self):
super(TestProfileAPI, self).setUp()
self.url = reverse("profiles_api", kwargs={'username': self.user.username})
def test_get_profile_anonymous_user(self):
Test that an anonymous client (not logged in) cannot call get.
self.send_get(self.anonymous_client, expected_status=401)
def _verify_full_profile_response(self, response):
Verify that all of the profile's fields are returned
data =
self.assertEqual(6, len(data))
self.assertEqual(self.user.username, data["username"])
self.assertEqual("US", data["country"])
def _verify_private_profile_response(self, response):
Verify that only the public fields are returned for a private user's profile
data =
self.assertEqual(2, len(data))
self.assertEqual(self.user.username, data["username"])
("client", "user"),
("different_client", "different_user"),
("staff_client", "staff_user"),
# Note: using getattr so that the patching works even if there is no configuration.
# This is needed when testing CMS as the patching is still executed even though the
# suite is skipped.
@patch.dict(getattr(settings, "PROFILE_CONFIGURATION", {}), {"default_visibility": "all_users"})
def test_get_default_profile(self, api_client, username):
Test that any logged in user can get the main test user's public profile information.
client = self.login_client(api_client, username)
response = self.send_get(client)
("client", "user"),
("different_client", "different_user"),
("staff_client", "staff_user"),
# Note: using getattr so that the patching works even if there is no configuration.
# This is needed when testing CMS as the patching is still executed even though the
# suite is skipped.
@patch.dict(getattr(settings, "PROFILE_CONFIGURATION", {}), {"default_visibility": "private"})
def test_get_default_private_profile(self, api_client, username):
Test that any logged in user gets only the public fields for a profile
if the default visibility is 'private'.
client = self.login_client(api_client, username)
response = self.send_get(client)
("client", "user"),
("different_client", "different_user"),
("staff_client", "staff_user"),
def test_get_private_profile(self, api_client, requesting_username):
Test that private profile information is only available to the test user themselves.
client = self.login_client(api_client, requesting_username)
# Verify that a user with a private profile only returns the public fields
UserPreference.set_preference(self.user, PROFILE_VISIBILITY_PREF_KEY, PRIVATE_VISIBILITY)
response = self.send_get(client)
# Verify that only the public fields are returned if 'include_all' parameter is specified as false
response = self.send_get(client, query_parameters='include_all=false')
# Verify that all fields are returned for the user themselves if
# the 'include_all' parameter is specified as true.
response = self.send_get(client, query_parameters='include_all=true')
if requesting_username == "user":
("client", "user"),
("staff_client", "staff_user"),
def test_get_profile_unknown_user(self, api_client, username):
Test that requesting a user who does not exist returns a 404.
client = self.login_client(api_client, username)
response = client.get(reverse("profiles_api", kwargs={'username': "does_not_exist"}))
self.assertEqual(404, response.status_code)
NOTE: this API is WIP and has not yet been approved. Do not use this API without talking to Christina or Andy.
For more information, see:
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.authentication import OAuth2Authentication, SessionAuthentication
from rest_framework import permissions
from ..accounts.views import AccountView
from ..api.account import AccountUserNotFound
from ..models import UserPreference
class ProfileView(APIView):
**Use Cases**
Get the user's public profile information.
**Example Requests**:
GET /api/user/v0/profiles/{username}/[?include_all={true | false}]
**Response Values for GET**
Returns the same responses as for the AccountView API for the
subset of fields that have been configured to be in a profile.
The fields are additionally filtered based upon the user's
specified privacy permissions.
If the parameter 'include_all' is passed as 'true' then a user
can receive all fields for their own account, ignoring
any field visibility preferences. If the parameter is not
specified or if the user is requesting information for a
different account then the privacy filtering will be applied.
authentication_classes = (OAuth2Authentication, SessionAuthentication)
permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticated,)
def get(self, request, username):
GET /api/user/v0/profiles/{username}/[?include_all={true | false}]
The include_all query parameter will only be honored if the user is making
the request for their own username. It defaults to false, but if true
then all the profile fields will be returned even for a user with
a private profile.
if request.user.username == username:
include_all_fields = self.request.QUERY_PARAMS.get('include_all') == 'true'
include_all_fields = False
profile_settings = ProfileView.get_serialized_profile(
except AccountUserNotFound:
return Response(status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
return Response(profile_settings)
def get_serialized_profile(username, configuration=None, include_all_fields=False):
"""Returns the user's public profile settings serialized as JSON.
The fields returned are by default governed by the user's privacy preference.
If the user has a private profile, then only the fields that are always
public are returned. If the user is sharing their profile with all users
then all profile fields are returned.
This method does not perform authentication so it is up to the caller
to ensure that only edX users can access the profile. In addition, only
the user themselves should be able to access all fields of a private
profile through 'include_all_fields' being true.
username (str): The username for the desired account.
configuration (dict): A dictionary specifying three profile configuration settings:
default_visibility: the default visibility level for user's with no preference
all_fields: the list of all fields that can be shown on a profile
public_fields: the list of profile fields that are public
include_all_fields (bool): If true, ignores the user's privacy setting.
A dict containing each of the user's profile fields.
AccountUserNotFound: raised if there is no account for the specified username.
if not configuration:
configuration = settings.PROFILE_CONFIGURATION
account_settings = AccountView.get_serialized_account(username)
profile = {}
privacy_setting = ProfileView._get_user_profile_privacy(username, configuration)
if include_all_fields or privacy_setting == ALL_USERS_VISIBILITY:
field_names = configuration.get('all_fields')
field_names = configuration.get('public_fields')
for field_name in field_names:
profile[field_name] = account_settings.get(field_name, None)
return profile
def _get_user_profile_privacy(username, configuration):
Returns the profile privacy preference for the specified user.
user = User.objects.get(username=username)
profile_privacy = UserPreference.get_preference(user, PROFILE_VISIBILITY_PREF_KEY)
return profile_privacy if profile_privacy else configuration.get('default_visibility')
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
import datetime
from ..accounts.views import AccountView
from ..accounts.api import get_account_settings
from ..api import account as account_api
from ..api import profile as profile_api
from ..models import UserProfile, UserOrgTag
......@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ class ProfileApiTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
account_api.create_account(self.USERNAME, self.PASSWORD, self.EMAIL)
# Retrieve the account settings
account_settings = AccountView.get_serialized_account(self.USERNAME)
user = User.objects.get(username=self.USERNAME)
account_settings = get_account_settings(user)
# Expect a date joined field but remove it to simplify the following comparison
......@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ class ProfileApiTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
profile.year_of_birth = year_of_birth
profile_api.update_email_opt_in(self.USERNAME,, option)
profile_api.update_email_opt_in(user,, option)
result_obj = UserOrgTag.objects.get(user=user,, key='email-optin')
self.assertEqual(result_obj.value, expected_result)
......@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ class ProfileApiTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
user = User.objects.get(username=self.USERNAME)
profile_api.update_email_opt_in(self.USERNAME,, True)
profile_api.update_email_opt_in(user,, True)
result_obj = UserOrgTag.objects.get(user=user,, key='email-optin')
self.assertEqual(result_obj.value, u"True")
......@@ -130,8 +131,8 @@ class ProfileApiTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
profile.year_of_birth = year_of_birth
profile_api.update_email_opt_in(self.USERNAME,, option)
profile_api.update_email_opt_in(self.USERNAME,, second_option)
profile_api.update_email_opt_in(user,, option)
profile_api.update_email_opt_in(user,, second_option)
result_obj = UserOrgTag.objects.get(user=user,, key='email-optin')
self.assertEqual(result_obj.value, expected_result)
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import re
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.core import mail
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from unittest import skipUnless
......@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ from django_comment_common import models
from opaque_keys.edx.locations import SlashSeparatedCourseKey
from third_party_auth.tests.testutil import simulate_running_pipeline
from ..accounts.views import AccountView
from ..accounts.api import get_account_settings
from ..api import account as account_api, profile as profile_api
from ..models import UserOrgTag
from ..tests.factories import UserPreferenceFactory
......@@ -1247,7 +1248,8 @@ class RegistrationViewTest(ApiTestCase):
# Verify that the user's full name is set
account_settings = AccountView.get_serialized_account(self.USERNAME)
user = User.objects.get(username=self.USERNAME)
account_settings = get_account_settings(user)
self.assertEqual(account_settings["name"], self.NAME)
# Verify that we've been logged in
......@@ -1280,7 +1282,8 @@ class RegistrationViewTest(ApiTestCase):
# Verify the user's account
account_settings = AccountView.get_serialized_account(self.USERNAME)
user = User.objects.get(username=self.USERNAME)
account_settings = get_account_settings(user)
self.assertEqual(account_settings["level_of_education"], self.EDUCATION)
self.assertEqual(account_settings["mailing_address"], self.ADDRESS)
self.assertEqual(account_settings["year_of_birth"], int(self.YEAR_OF_BIRTH))
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Defines the URL routes for this app.
from .accounts.views import AccountView
from .profiles.views import ProfileView
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
......@@ -16,9 +15,4 @@ urlpatterns = patterns(
r'^v0/profiles/' + USERNAME_PATTERN + '$',
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