Commit 001da52a by Andy Armstrong

Address Sylvia's doc feedback

parent f439a09e
......@@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ class OwnLearnerProfilePageTest(LearnerProfileTestMixin, WebAppTest):
Then `about me` field mode should be `edit`
placeholder_value = (
"Tell other edX learners a little about yourself: where you live, what your interests are, "
"why you're taking courses on edX, or what you hope to learn."
"Tell other learners a little about yourself: where you live, what your interests are, "
"why you're taking courses, or what you hope to learn."
username, user_id = self.log_in_as_unique_user()
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
title: gettext('Username'),
valueAttribute: 'username',
helpMessage: interpolate_text(
gettext('The name that identifies you on the {platform_name} site. You cannot change your username.'), {platform_name: platformName}
gettext('The name that identifies you throughout {platform_name}. You cannot change your username.'), {platform_name: platformName}
......@@ -39,9 +39,7 @@
model: userAccountModel,
title: gettext('Full Name'),
valueAttribute: 'name',
helpMessage: interpolate_text(
gettext('The name that appears on your {platform_name} certificates. Other learners never see your full name.'), {platform_name: platformName}
helpMessage: gettext('The name that appears on your certificates. Other learners never see your full name.')
......@@ -50,7 +48,7 @@
title: gettext('Email Address'),
valueAttribute: 'email',
helpMessage: interpolate_text(
gettext('The email address you use to sign in to {platform_name}. Communications from {platform_name} and your courses are sent to this address.'), {platform_name: platformName}
gettext('The email address you use to sign in. Communications from {platform_name} and your courses are sent to this address.'), {platform_name: platformName}
......@@ -74,7 +72,7 @@
required: true,
refreshPageOnSave: true,
helpMessage: interpolate_text(
gettext('The language used for the {platform_name} site. The site is currently available in a limited number of languages.'), {platform_name: platformName}
gettext('The language used throughout this site. This site is currently available in a limited number of languages.'), {platform_name: platformName}
options: fieldsData.language.options
......@@ -103,9 +103,7 @@
editable: editable,
showMessages: false,
title: gettext('About me'),
placeholderValue: interpolate_text(
gettext("Tell other {platform_name} learners a little about yourself: where you live, what your interests are, why you're taking courses on {platform_name}, or what you hope to learn."), {platform_name: options.platform_name}
placeholderValue: gettext("Tell other learners a little about yourself: where you live, what your interests are, why you're taking courses, or what you hope to learn."),
valueAttribute: "bio",
helpMessage: ''
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