Commit 00008c06 by Matt Drayer Committed by Jonathan Piacenti

mattdrayer/profiler-updates: PEP8/Pylint

parent ddc979d3
......@@ -112,6 +112,98 @@ class BaseProfilerMiddleware(object):
THREAD_LOCAL.profiler = self.profiler_start()
return THREAD_LOCAL.profiler.runcall(callback, request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
def _generate_console_response(self, stats_str, stats_summary):
Output directly to the console -- helpful during unit testing or
for viewing code executions in devstack
print stats_str
print stats_summary
def _generate_text_response(self, stats_str, stats_summary, response):
Output the call stats to the browser as plain text
response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
response.content = stats_str
response.content = "\n".join(response.content.split("\n")[:40])
response.content += "\n\n"
response.content += stats_summary
def _generate_html_response(self, stats_str, stats_summary, response):
Output the call stats to the browser wrapped in HTML tags
Feel free to improve the HTML structure!!!
response['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'
response.content = '<pre>{}{}</pre>'.format(stats_str, stats_summary)
def _generate_pdf_response(self, response):
Output a pretty picture of the call tree (boxes and arrows)
if not which('dot'):
raise Exception('Could not find "dot" from Graphviz; please install Graphviz to enable call graph generation')
if not which('gprof2dot'):
raise Exception('Could not find gprof2dot; have you updated your dependencies recently?')
command = ('gprof2dot -f pstats {} | dot -Tpdf'.format(
process = subprocess.Popen(
output = process.communicate()[0]
return_code = process.poll()
if return_code:
raise Exception('gprof2dot/dot exited with {}'.format(return_code))
response['Content-Type'] = 'application/pdf'
response.content = output
def _generate_svg_response(self, response):
Output a pretty picture of the call tree (boxes and arrows)
# Set up the data file
profile_name = '{}_{}'.format(self.profiler_type(), time.time())
profile_data = '/tmp/{}.dat'.format(profile_name)
shutil.copy(, profile_data)
os.chmod(profile_data, 0666)
# Create the output file
profile_svg = '/tmp/{}.svg'.format(profile_name)
old = os.path.abspath('.')
command = 'gprof2dot -f pstats {} | dot -Tsvg -o {}'.format(profile_data, profile_svg)
output =, shell=True)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703
output = 'Error during call to gprof2dot/dot'
if os.path.exists(profile_svg):
response['Content-Type'] = 'image/svg+xml'
f = open(profile_svg)
response.content =
response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
response.content = output
def _generate_raw_response(self, response):
Output the raw stats data to the browser -- the caller can then
save the information to a local file and do something else with it
Could be used as an integration point in the future for real-time
diagrams, charts, reports, etc.
# Set up the data faile (this is all we do in this particular case)
profile_name = '{}_{}'.format(self.profiler_type(), time.time())
profile_data = '/tmp/{}.dat'.format(profile_name)
shutil.copy(, profile_data)
os.chmod(profile_data, 0666)
# Return the raw data directly to the caller/browser (useful for API scenarios)
f = open(profile_data)
response.content =
def process_response(self, request, response):
Most of the heavy lifting takes place in this base process_response operation
......@@ -177,71 +269,21 @@ class BaseProfilerMiddleware(object):
if response and response.content and stats_str:
stats_summary = self.summary_for_files(stats_str)
response_format = request.GET.get('profiler_format', 'console')
# Console format sends the profiler result to stdout, preserving current response content
# All other formats replace response content with the profiler result
if response_format == 'console':
# Send the profiler result to stdout, preserving current response content
# All other formats replace response content with the profiler result
print stats_str
print stats_summary
self._generate_console_response(stats_str, stats_summary)
elif response_format == 'text':
response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
response.content = stats_str
response.content = "\n".join(response.content.split("\n")[:40])
response.content += "\n\n"
response.content += stats_summary
self._generate_text_response(stats_str, stats_summary, response)
elif response_format == 'html':
response['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'
response.content = '<pre>{}{}</pre>'.format(stats_str, stats_summary)
self._generate_html_response(stats_str, stats_summary, response)
elif response_format == 'pdf':
if not which('dot'):
raise Exception('Could not find "dot" from Graphviz; please install Graphviz to enable call graph generation')
if not which('gprof2dot'):
raise Exception('Could not find gprof2dot; have you updated your dependencies recently?')
command = ('gprof2dot -f pstats {} | dot -Tpdf'.format(
process = subprocess.Popen(
output = process.communicate()[0]
return_code = process.poll()
if return_code:
raise Exception('gprof2dot/dot exited with {}'.format(return_code))
response['Content-Type'] = 'application/pdf'
response.content = output
elif response_format == 'svg':
# Set up the data file
profile_name = '{}_{}'.format(self.profiler_type(), time.time())
profile_data = '/tmp/{}.dat'.format(profile_name)
shutil.copy(, profile_data)
os.chmod(profile_data, 0666)
# Create the output file
profile_svg = '/tmp/{}.svg'.format(profile_name)
old = os.path.abspath('.')
command = 'gprof2dot -f pstats {} | dot -Tsvg -o {}'.format(profile_data, profile_svg)
output =, shell=True)
except Exception:
output = 'Error during call to gprof2dot/dot'
if os.path.exists(profile_svg):
response['Content-Type'] = 'image/svg+xml'
f = open(profile_svg)
response.content =
response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
response.content = output
elif response_format == 'raw':
# Set up the data faile (this is all we do in this particular case)
profile_name = '{}_{}'.format(self.profiler_type(), time.time())
profile_data = '/tmp/{}.dat'.format(profile_name)
shutil.copy(, profile_data)
os.chmod(profile_data, 0666)
# Return the raw data directly to the caller/browser (useful for API scenarios)
f = open(profile_data)
response.content =
# Clean up the stuff we stuffed into thread_local and then return the response to the caller
THREAD_LOCAL.profiler_type = None
THREAD_LOCAL.profiler_requested = None
......@@ -265,7 +307,7 @@ class BaseProfilerMiddleware(object):
return MiddlewareNotUsed()
def profiler_stop(self):
def profiler_stop(self, stream): # pylint: disable=W0613
Parent method -- should be overridden by child
......@@ -331,16 +373,15 @@ class BaseProfilerMiddleware(object):
Provide some useful operational info to the caller
return "########## PROFILER HELP ##########\n\n\n" + \
"Profiler Options (query string params):\n\n" + \
"profiler_type: hotshot (default), cprofile \n" + \
"profiler_mode: normal (default), help \n" + \
"profiler_sort: time (default) calls, cumulative, file, module, ncalls \n" + \
"profiler_format: console (default), text, html, pdf, svg, raw \n\n\n" + \
"More info: \n\n" + \
" \n" + \
" \n"
return "########## PROFILER HELP ##########\n\n\n" + \
"Profiler Options (query string params):\n\n" + \
"profiler_type: hotshot (default), cprofile \n" + \
"profiler_mode: normal (default), help \n" + \
"profiler_sort: time (default) calls, cumulative, file, module, ncalls \n" + \
"profiler_format: console (default), text, html, pdf, svg, raw \n\n\n" + \
"More info: \n\n" + \
" \n" + \
" \n"
class HotshotProfilerMiddleware(BaseProfilerMiddleware):
......@@ -370,7 +411,7 @@ class HotshotProfilerMiddleware(BaseProfilerMiddleware):
return hotshot.Profile(
def profiler_stop(self, stream):
def profiler_stop(self, stream): # pylint: disable=W0221
Store profiler data in file and return statistics to caller
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