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edX Course/Library Import/Export API · c94abd27
This is a public, versioned, RESTful API for importing and exporting full course content. The code was initially ripped from the existing import/export API in the CMS contentstore djangoapp and wrapped in Django Rest Framework view classes. It's a new djangoapp in the openedx directory which is largely an abstraction off the CMS Import/Export views. This PR includes configuration changes. Most notably, Studio is configured to serve the OAuth2 provider alongside the LMS. This is the initial thread on the code list:!msg/edx-code/DmnHWmly25A/ZqjD1zb4o7oJ And this thread contains another description of the changes: There are a numerous non-covered lines, all of which are missing coverage in the CMS API this was ported from. They're mostly error conditions, such as handling of multipart file upload errors.
Brandon DeRosier committed