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Annotation Component Page.
from bok_choy.page_object import PageObject
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains

class AnnotationComponentPage(PageObject):
    View of annotation component page.

    url = None
    active_problem = 0

    def is_browser_on_page(self):
        return self.q(css='.annotatable-title').present

    def component_name(self):
        Return the current problem name.
        return self.q(css='.annotatable-title').text[0]

    def click_reply_annotation(self, problem):
        Mouse over on annotation selector and click on "Reply to Annotation".
        annotation_span_selector = '.annotatable-span[data-problem-id="{}"]'.format(problem)
        self.wait_for_element_visibility(annotation_span_selector, "Reply to Annotation link is visible")

        annotation_reply_selector = '.annotatable-reply[data-problem-id="{}"]'.format(problem)

        self.active_problem = problem

    def active_problem_selector(self, sub_selector):
        Return css selector for current active problem with sub_selector.
        return 'div[data-problem-id="{}"] {}'.format(
            self.q(css='.vert-{}'.format(self.active_problem + 1)).map(
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
                lambda el: el.get_attribute('data-id')).results[0],

    def mouse_hover(self, element):
        Mouse over on given element.
        mouse_hover_action = ActionChains(self.browser).move_to_element(element)

    def check_scroll_to_problem(self):
        Return visibility of active problem's input selector.
        annotation_input_selector = self.active_problem_selector('.annotation-input')
        return self.q(css=annotation_input_selector).visible

    def answer_problem(self):
        Submit correct answer for active problem.
        self.q(css=self.active_problem_selector('.comment')).fill('Test Response')
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        answer_css = self.active_problem_selector('.tag[data-id="{}"]'.format(self.active_problem))
        # Selenium will first move the element into view then click on it.
        # Wait for the click to take effect, which is after the class is applied.
        self.wait_for(lambda: 'selected' in self.q(css=answer_css).attrs('class')[0], description='answer selected')
        # Click the "Check" button.
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        # This will trigger a POST to problem_check so wait until the response is returned.
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    def check_feedback(self):
        Return visibility of active problem's feedback.
            self.active_problem_selector('.tag-status.correct'), "Correct is visible"
        return self.q(css=self.active_problem_selector('.tag-status.correct')).visible

    def click_return_to_annotation(self):
        Click on active problem's "Return to Annotation" link.

    def check_scroll_to_annotation(self):
        Return visibility of active annotation component header.
        annotation_header_selector = '.annotation-header'
        return self.q(css=annotation_header_selector).visible