test_events.py 5.85 KB
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Test that various events are fired for models in the student app.
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import mock
from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
from django.test import TestCase
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from django_countries.fields import Country

from student.models import PasswordHistory
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
from student.tests.tests import UserSettingsEventTestMixin
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class TestUserProfileEvents(UserSettingsEventTestMixin, TestCase):
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    Test that we emit field change events when UserProfile models are changed.
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestUserProfileEvents, self).setUp()
        self.table = 'auth_userprofile'
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
        self.user = UserFactory.create()
        self.profile = self.user.profile

    def test_change_one_field(self):
        Verify that we emit an event when a single field changes on the user
        self.profile.year_of_birth = 1900
33 34 35 36 37
        self.assert_user_setting_event_emitted(setting='year_of_birth', old=None, new=self.profile.year_of_birth)

        # Verify that we remove the temporary `_changed_fields` property from
        # the model after we're done emitting events.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            self.profile._changed_fields    # pylint: disable=pointless-statement, protected-access
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

    def test_change_many_fields(self):
        Verify that we emit one event per field when many fields change on the
        user profile in one transaction.
        self.profile.gender = u'o'
        self.profile.bio = 'test bio'
48 49
        self.assert_user_setting_event_emitted(setting='bio', old=None, new=self.profile.bio)
        self.assert_user_setting_event_emitted(setting='gender', old=u'm', new=u'o')
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57

    def test_unicode(self):
        Verify that the events we emit can handle unicode characters.
        old_name = self.profile.name
        self.profile.name = u'Dånîél'
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
        self.assert_user_setting_event_emitted(setting='name', old=old_name, new=self.profile.name)

    def test_country(self):
        Verify that we properly serialize the JSON-unfriendly Country field.
        self.profile.country = Country(u'AL', 'dummy_flag_url')
        self.assert_user_setting_event_emitted(setting='country', old=None, new=self.profile.country)

    def test_excluded_field(self):
        Verify that we don't emit events for ignored fields.
        self.profile.meta = {u'foo': u'bar'}

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    @mock.patch('student.models.UserProfile.save', side_effect=IntegrityError)
    def test_no_event_if_save_failed(self, _save_mock):
        Verify no event is triggered if the save does not complete. Note that the pre_save
        signal is not called in this case either, but the intent is to make it clear that this model
        should never emit an event if save fails.
        self.profile.gender = "unknown"
        with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):

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class TestUserEvents(UserSettingsEventTestMixin, TestCase):
    Test that we emit field change events when User models are changed.
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestUserEvents, self).setUp()
        self.user = UserFactory.create()
        self.table = 'auth_user'

    def test_change_one_field(self):
        Verify that we emit an event when a single field changes on the user.
        old_username = self.user.username
        self.user.username = u'new username'
        self.assert_user_setting_event_emitted(setting='username', old=old_username, new=self.user.username)

    def test_change_many_fields(self):
        Verify that we emit one event per field when many fields change on the
        user in one transaction.
        old_email = self.user.email
        old_is_staff = self.user.is_staff
        self.user.email = u'foo@bar.com'
        self.user.is_staff = True
        self.assert_user_setting_event_emitted(setting='email', old=old_email, new=self.user.email)
        self.assert_user_setting_event_emitted(setting='is_staff', old=old_is_staff, new=self.user.is_staff)

    def test_password(self):
        Verify that password values are not included in the event payload.
        self.user.password = u'new password'
        self.assert_user_setting_event_emitted(setting='password', old=None, new=None)

    def test_related_fields_ignored(self):
        Verify that we don't emit events for related fields.
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    @mock.patch('django.contrib.auth.models.User.save', side_effect=IntegrityError)
    def test_no_event_if_save_failed(self, _save_mock):
        Verify no event is triggered if the save does not complete. Note that the pre_save
        signal is not called in this case either, but the intent is to make it clear that this model
        should never emit an event if save fails.
        self.user.password = u'new password'
        with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
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    def test_no_first_and_last_name_events(self):
        Verify that first_name and last_name events are not emitted.
        self.user.first_name = "Donald"
        self.user.last_name = "Duck"