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Third-party-auth module for Learning Tools Interoperability
import logging
import calendar
import time

from django.contrib.auth import REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME
from oauthlib.common import Request
from oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.signature import (
from social.backends.base import BaseAuth
from social.exceptions import AuthFailed
from social.utils import sanitize_redirect

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

LTI_PARAMS_KEY = 'tpa-lti-params'

class LTIAuthBackend(BaseAuth):
    Third-party-auth module for Learning Tools Interoperability

    name = 'lti'

    def start(self):
        Prepare to handle a login request.

        This method replaces social.actions.do_auth and must be kept in sync
        with any upstream changes in that method. In the current version of
        the upstream, this means replacing the logic to populate the session
        from request parameters, and not calling backend.start() to avoid
        an unwanted redirect to the non-existent login page.

        # Clean any partial pipeline data

        # Save validated LTI parameters (or None if invalid or not submitted)
        validated_lti_params = self.get_validated_lti_params(self.strategy)

        # Set a auth_entry here so we don't have to receive that as a custom parameter
        self.strategy.session_setdefault('auth_entry', 'login')

        if not validated_lti_params:
            self.strategy.session_set(LTI_PARAMS_KEY, None)
            raise AuthFailed(self, "LTI parameters could not be validated.")
            self.strategy.session_set(LTI_PARAMS_KEY, validated_lti_params)

        # Save extra data into session.
        # While Basic LTI 1.0 specifies that the message is to be signed using OAuth, implying
        # that any GET parameters should be stripped from the base URL and included as signed
        # parameters, typical LTI Tool Consumer implementations do not support this behaviour. As
        # a workaround, we accept TPA parameters from LTI custom parameters prefixed with "tpa_".

        for field_name in self.setting('FIELDS_STORED_IN_SESSION', []):
            if 'custom_tpa_' + field_name in validated_lti_params:
                self.strategy.session_set(field_name, validated_lti_params['custom_tpa_' + field_name])

        if 'custom_tpa_' + REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME in validated_lti_params:
            # Check and sanitize a user-defined GET/POST next field value
            redirect_uri = validated_lti_params['custom_tpa_' + REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME]
            if self.setting('SANITIZE_REDIRECTS', True):
                redirect_uri = sanitize_redirect(self.strategy.request_host(), redirect_uri)
            self.strategy.session_set(REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME, redirect_uri or self.setting('LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL'))

    def auth_html(self):
        Not used
        raise NotImplementedError("Not used")

    def auth_url(self):
        Not used
        raise NotImplementedError("Not used")

    def auth_complete(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Completes third-part-auth authentication
        lti_params = self.strategy.session_get(LTI_PARAMS_KEY)
        kwargs.update({'response': {LTI_PARAMS_KEY: lti_params}, 'backend': self})
        return self.strategy.authenticate(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_user_id(self, details, response):
        Computes social auth username from LTI parameters
        lti_params = response[LTI_PARAMS_KEY]
        return lti_params['oauth_consumer_key'] + ":" + lti_params['user_id']

    def get_user_details(self, response):
        Retrieves user details from LTI parameters
        details = {}
        lti_params = response[LTI_PARAMS_KEY]

        def add_if_exists(lti_key, details_key):
            Adds LTI parameter to user details dict if it exists
            if lti_key in lti_params and lti_params[lti_key]:
                details[details_key] = lti_params[lti_key]

        add_if_exists('email', 'email')
        add_if_exists('lis_person_name_full', 'fullname')
        add_if_exists('lis_person_name_given', 'first_name')
        add_if_exists('lis_person_name_family', 'last_name')
        return details

    def get_validated_lti_params(cls, strategy):
        Validates LTI signature and returns LTI parameters
        request = Request(
            uri=strategy.request.build_absolute_uri(), http_method=strategy.request.method, body=strategy.request.body
        lti_consumer_key = request.oauth_consumer_key
        (lti_consumer_valid, lti_consumer_secret, lti_max_timestamp_age) = cls.load_lti_consumer(lti_consumer_key)
        current_time = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
        return cls._get_validated_lti_params_from_values(
            request=request, current_time=current_time,

    def _get_validated_lti_params_from_values(cls, request, current_time,
                                              lti_consumer_valid, lti_consumer_secret, lti_max_timestamp_age):
        Validates LTI signature and returns LTI parameters

        # Taking a cue from oauthlib, to avoid leaking information through a timing attack,
        # we proceed through the entire validation before rejecting any request for any reason.
        # However, as noted there, the value of doing this is dubious.

        base_uri = normalize_base_string_uri(request.uri)
        parameters = collect_parameters(uri_query=request.uri_query, body=request.body)
        parameters_string = normalize_parameters(parameters)
        base_string = construct_base_string(request.http_method, base_uri, parameters_string)

        computed_signature = sign_hmac_sha1(base_string, unicode(lti_consumer_secret), '')
        submitted_signature = request.oauth_signature

        data = {parameter_value_pair[0]: parameter_value_pair[1] for parameter_value_pair in parameters}

        def safe_int(value):
            Interprets parameter as an int or returns 0 if not possible
                return int(value)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                return 0

        oauth_timestamp = safe_int(request.oauth_timestamp)

        # As this must take constant time, do not use shortcutting operators such as 'and'.
        # Instead, use constant time operators such as '&', which is the bitwise and.
        valid = (lti_consumer_valid)
        valid = valid & (submitted_signature == computed_signature)
        valid = valid & (request.oauth_version == '1.0')
        valid = valid & (request.oauth_signature_method == 'HMAC-SHA1')
        valid = valid & ('user_id' in data)  # Not required by LTI but can't log in without one
        valid = valid & (oauth_timestamp >= current_time - lti_max_timestamp_age)
        valid = valid & (oauth_timestamp <= current_time)

        if valid:
            return data
            return None

    def load_lti_consumer(cls, lti_consumer_key):
        Retrieves LTI consumer details from database
        from .models import LTIProviderConfig
        provider_config = LTIProviderConfig.current(lti_consumer_key)
        if provider_config and provider_config.enabled:
            return (
            return False, '', -1