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Module that tracks analytics events by sending them to different
configurable backends.

The backends can be configured using Django settings as the example

      'tracker_name': {
          'ENGINE': '',
          'OPTIONS': {
              'host': ... ,
              'port': ... ,


import inspect
from importlib import import_module

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from dogapi import dog_stats_api

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from django.conf import settings

from track.backends import BaseBackend

__all__ = ['send']

backends = {}

def _initialize_backends_from_django_settings():
    Initialize the event tracking backends according to the
    configuration in django settings


    config = getattr(settings, 'TRACKING_BACKENDS', {})

    for name, values in config.iteritems():
        # Ignore empty values to turn-off default tracker backends
        if values:
            engine = values['ENGINE']
            options = values.get('OPTIONS', {})
            backends[name] = _instantiate_backend_from_name(engine, options)

def _instantiate_backend_from_name(name, options):
    Instantiate an event tracker backend from the full module path to
    the backend class. Useful when setting backends from configuration

    # Parse backend name

        parts = name.split('.')
        module_name = '.'.join(parts[:-1])
        class_name = parts[-1]
    except IndexError:
        raise ValueError('Invalid event track backend %s' % name)

    # Get and verify the backend class

        module = import_module(module_name)
        cls = getattr(module, class_name)
        if not inspect.isclass(cls) or not issubclass(cls, BaseBackend):
            raise TypeError
    except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError, ImportError):
        raise ValueError('Cannot find event track backend %s' % name)

    backend = cls(**options)

    return backend

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def send(event):
    Send an event object to all the initialized backends.


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    for name, backend in backends.iteritems():
        with dog_stats_api.timer('track.send.backend.{0}'.format(name)):
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