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LTI user management functionality. This module reconciles the two identities
that an individual has in the campus LMS platform and on edX.

import string
import random
import uuid

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from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction
from lti_provider.models import LtiUser
from student.models import UserProfile
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def authenticate_lti_user(request, lti_user_id, lti_consumer):
    Determine whether the user specified by the LTI launch has an existing
    account. If not, create a new Django User model and associate it with an
    LtiUser object.

    If the currently logged-in user does not match the user specified by the LTI
    launch, log out the old user and log in the LTI identity.
        lti_user = LtiUser.objects.get(
    except LtiUser.DoesNotExist:
        # This is the first time that the user has been here. Create an account.
        lti_user = create_lti_user(lti_user_id, lti_consumer)

    if not (request.user.is_authenticated() and
            request.user == lti_user.edx_user):
        # The user is not authenticated, or is logged in as somebody else.
        # Switch them to the LTI user
        switch_user(request, lti_user, lti_consumer)
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def create_lti_user(lti_user_id, lti_consumer):
    Generate a new user on the edX platform with a random username and password,
    and associates that account with the LTI identity.
    edx_password = str(uuid.uuid4())

    created = False
    while not created:
            edx_user_id = generate_random_edx_username()
            edx_email = "{}@{}".format(edx_user_id, settings.LTI_USER_EMAIL_DOMAIN)
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            with transaction.atomic():
                edx_user = User.objects.create_user(
                # A profile is required if PREVENT_CONCURRENT_LOGINS flag is set.
                # TODO: We could populate user information from the LTI launch here,
                # but it's not necessary for our current uses.
                edx_user_profile = UserProfile(user=edx_user)
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            created = True
        except IntegrityError:
            # The random edx_user_id wasn't unique. Since 'created' is still
            # False, we will retry with a different random ID.

    lti_user = LtiUser(
    return lti_user

def switch_user(request, lti_user, lti_consumer):
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    Log out the current user, and log in using the edX identity associated with
    the LTI ID.
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    edx_user = authenticate(
    if not edx_user:
        # This shouldn't happen, since we've created edX accounts for any LTI
        # users by this point, but just in case we can return a 403.
        raise PermissionDenied()
    login(request, edx_user)
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def generate_random_edx_username():
    Create a valid random edX user ID. An ID is at most 30 characters long, and
    can contain upper and lowercase letters and numbers.
    allowable_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
    username = ''
    for _index in range(30):
        username = username + random.SystemRandom().choice(allowable_chars)
    return username
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class LtiBackend(object):
    A Django authentication backend that authenticates users via LTI. This
    backend will only return a User object if it is associated with an LTI
    identity (i.e. the user was created by the create_lti_user method above).

    def authenticate(self, username=None, lti_user_id=None, lti_consumer=None):
        Try to authenticate a user. This method will return a Django user object
        if a user with the corresponding username exists in the database, and
        if a record that links that user with an LTI user_id field exists in
        the LtiUser collection.

        If such a user is not found, the method returns None (in line with the
        authentication backend specification).
            edx_user = User.objects.get(username=username)
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return None

        except LtiUser.DoesNotExist:
            return None
        return edx_user

    def get_user(self, user_id):
        Return the User object for a user that has already been authenticated by
        this backend.
            return User.objects.get(id=user_id)
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return None