test_api.py 3.52 KB
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""" Tests the E-Commerce API module. """

import json

from ddt import ddt, data
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.test.testcases import TestCase
from django.test.utils import override_settings
import httpretty
from requests import Timeout

from commerce.api import EcommerceAPI
from commerce.constants import OrderStatus
from commerce.exceptions import InvalidResponseError, TimeoutError, InvalidConfigurationError
from commerce.tests import EcommerceApiTestMixin
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory

class EcommerceAPITests(EcommerceApiTestMixin, TestCase):
    """ Tests for the E-Commerce API client. """

    SKU = '1234'

    def setUp(self):
        super(EcommerceAPITests, self).setUp()
        self.url = reverse('commerce:orders')
        self.user = UserFactory()
        self.api = EcommerceAPI()

    def test_constructor_url_strip(self):
        """ Verifies that the URL is stored with trailing slashes removed. """
        url = 'http://example.com'
        api = EcommerceAPI(url, 'edx')
        self.assertEqual(api.url, url)

        api = EcommerceAPI(url + '/', 'edx')
        self.assertEqual(api.url, url)

    @override_settings(ECOMMERCE_API_URL=None, ECOMMERCE_API_SIGNING_KEY=None)
    def test_no_settings(self):
        If the settings ECOMMERCE_API_URL and ECOMMERCE_API_SIGNING_KEY are invalid, the constructor should
        raise a ValueError.
        self.assertRaises(InvalidConfigurationError, EcommerceAPI)

    def test_create_order(self):
        """ Verify the method makes a call to the E-Commerce API with the correct headers and data. """
        number, status, body = self.api.create_order(self.user, self.SKU)

        # Validate the request sent to the E-Commerce API endpoint.
        request = httpretty.last_request()
        self.assertValidOrderRequest(request, self.user, self.ECOMMERCE_API_SIGNING_KEY, self.SKU)

        # Validate the data returned by the method
        self.assertEqual(number, self.ORDER_NUMBER)
        self.assertEqual(status, OrderStatus.COMPLETE)
        self.assertEqual(body, self.ECOMMERCE_API_SUCCESSFUL_BODY)

    @data(400, 401, 405, 406, 429, 500, 503)
    def test_create_order_with_invalid_http_status(self, status):
        """ If the E-Commerce API returns a non-200 status, the method should raise an InvalidResponseError. """
        self._mock_ecommerce_api(status=status, body=json.dumps({'user_message': 'FAIL!'}))
        self.assertRaises(InvalidResponseError, self.api.create_order, self.user, self.SKU)

    def test_create_order_with_invalid_json(self):
        """ If the E-Commerce API returns un-parseable data, the method should raise an InvalidResponseError. """
        self._mock_ecommerce_api(body='TOTALLY NOT JSON!')
        self.assertRaises(InvalidResponseError, self.api.create_order, self.user, self.SKU)

    def test_create_order_with_timeout(self):
        """ If the call to the E-Commerce API times out, the method should raise a TimeoutError. """

        def request_callback(_request, _uri, _headers):
            """ Simulates API timeout """
            raise Timeout


        self.assertRaises(TimeoutError, self.api.create_order, self.user, self.SKU)