js_test_coffee.yml 2.75 KB
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# LMS CoffeeScript tests that are not yet using RequireJS.
# To run all the tests and print results to the console:
#   js-test-tool run TEST_SUITE --use-firefox
# where `TEST_SUITE` is this file.
# To run the tests in your default browser ("dev mode"):
#   js-test-tool dev TEST_SUITE

test_suite_name: lms-coffee

test_runner: jasmine

# Path prepended to source files in the coverage report (optional)
# For example, if the source path
# is "src/source.js" (relative to this YAML file)
# and the prepend path is "base/dir"
# then the coverage report will show
# "base/dir/src/source.js"
prepend_path: lms/static

# Paths to library JavaScript files (optional)
    - xmodule_js/common_static/js/test/i18n.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/coffee/src/ajax_prefix.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/coffee/src/logger.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/jasmine-jquery.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/jasmine-imagediff.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/require.js
    - js/RequireJS-namespace-undefine.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/jquery.min.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/jquery-ui.min.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/jquery.cookie.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/flot/jquery.flot.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/CodeMirror/codemirror.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/URI.min.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/coffee/src/jquery.immediateDescendents.js
    - xmodule_js/common_static/js/xblock
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    - xmodule_js/common_static/coffee/src/xblock
    - xmodule_js/src/capa/
    - xmodule_js/src/video/
    - xmodule_js/src/xmodule.js

# Paths to source JavaScript files
    - coffee/src

# Paths to spec (test) JavaScript files
    - coffee/spec

# Paths to fixture files (optional)
# The fixture path will be set automatically when using jasmine-jquery.
# (https://github.com/velesin/jasmine-jquery)
# You can then access fixtures using paths relative to
# the test suite description:
#   loadFixtures('path/to/fixture/fixture.html');
    - coffee/fixtures

# Regular expressions used to exclude *.js files from
# appearing in the test runner page.
# Files are included by default, which means that they
# are loaded using a <script> tag in the test runner page.
# When loading many files, this can be slow, so
# exclude any files you don't need.
#    - path/to/lib/exclude/*

# Regular expression used to guarantee that a *.js file
# is included in the test runner page.
# If a file name matches both `exclude_from_page` and
# `include_in_page`, the file WILL be included.
# You can use this to exclude all files in a directory,
# but make an exception for particular files.
#    - path/to/lib/include/*