test_api.py 3.12 KB
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Unit tests for course_goals.api methods.

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from lms.djangoapps.course_goals.models import CourseGoal
from rest_framework.test import APIClient
from student.models import CourseEnrollment
from track.tests import EventTrackingTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import SharedModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory

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EVENT_NAME_ADDED = 'edx.course.goal.added'
EVENT_NAME_UPDATED = 'edx.course.goal.updated'
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class TestCourseGoalsAPI(EventTrackingTestCase, SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
    Testing the Course Goals API.
    def setUp(self):
        # Create a course with a verified track
        super(TestCourseGoalsAPI, self).setUp()
        self.course = CourseFactory.create(emit_signals=True)

        self.user = User.objects.create_user('john', 'lennon@thebeatles.com', 'password')
        CourseEnrollment.enroll(self.user, self.course.id)

        self.client = APIClient(enforce_csrf_checks=True)
        self.client.login(username=self.user.username, password=self.user.password)

        self.apiUrl = reverse('course_goals_api:v0:course_goal-list')

    def test_add_valid_goal(self):
        """ Ensures a correctly formatted post succeeds. """
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        response = self.post_course_goal(valid=True, goal_key='certify')
        self.assertEqual(self.get_event(-1)['name'], EVENT_NAME_ADDED)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
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        current_goals = CourseGoal.objects.filter(user=self.user, course_key=self.course.id)
        self.assertEqual(len(current_goals), 1)
        self.assertEqual(current_goals[0].goal_key, 'certify')
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    def test_add_invalid_goal(self):
        """ Ensures an incorrectly formatted post does not succeed. """
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        response = self.post_course_goal(valid=False)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
        self.assertEqual(len(CourseGoal.objects.filter(user=self.user, course_key=self.course.id)), 0)

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    def test_update_goal(self):
        """ Ensures that repeated course goal post events do not create new instances of the goal. """
        self.post_course_goal(valid=True, goal_key='explore')
        self.post_course_goal(valid=True, goal_key='certify')
        self.post_course_goal(valid=True, goal_key='unsure')
        self.assertEqual(self.get_event(-1)['name'], EVENT_NAME_UPDATED)

        current_goals = CourseGoal.objects.filter(user=self.user, course_key=self.course.id)
        self.assertEqual(len(current_goals), 1)
        self.assertEqual(current_goals[0].goal_key, 'unsure')

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    def post_course_goal(self, valid=True, goal_key='certify'):
        Sends a post request to set a course goal and returns the response.
        goal_key = goal_key if valid else 'invalid'
        response = self.client.post(
                'goal_key': goal_key,
                'course_key': self.course.id,
                'user': self.user.username,
        return response