test_dummy.py 1.93 KB
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import os, string, random
from unittest import TestCase
from polib import POEntry

import dummy

class TestDummy(TestCase):
    Tests functionality of i18n/dummy.py

    def setUp(self):
        self.converter = dummy.Dummy()

    def test_dummy(self):
        Tests with a dummy converter (adds spurious accents to strings).
        Assert that embedded HTML and python tags are not converted.
        test_cases = (("hello my name is Bond, James Bond",
                       u'h\xe9ll\xf6 my n\xe4m\xe9 \xefs B\xf6nd, J\xe4m\xe9s B\xf6nd Lorem i#'),

                      ('don\'t convert <a href="href">tag ids</a>',
                        u'd\xf6n\'t \xe7\xf6nv\xe9rt <a href="href">t\xe4g \xefds</a> Lorem ipsu#'),
                      ('don\'t convert %(name)s tags on %(date)s',
                        u"d\xf6n't \xe7\xf6nv\xe9rt %(name)s t\xe4gs \xf6n %(date)s Lorem ips#")
        for (source, expected) in test_cases:
            result = self.converter.convert(source)
            self.assertEquals(result, expected)

    def test_singular(self):
        entry = POEntry()
        entry.msgid = 'A lovely day for a cup of tea.'
        expected = u'\xc0 l\xf6v\xe9ly d\xe4y f\xf6r \xe4 \xe7\xfcp \xf6f t\xe9\xe4. Lorem i#'
        self.assertEquals(entry.msgstr, expected)

    def test_plural(self):
        entry = POEntry()
        entry.msgid = 'A lovely day for a cup of tea.'
        entry.msgid_plural = 'A lovely day for some cups of tea.'
        expected_s = u'\xc0 l\xf6v\xe9ly d\xe4y f\xf6r \xe4 \xe7\xfcp \xf6f t\xe9\xe4. Lorem i#'
        expected_p = u'\xc0 l\xf6v\xe9ly d\xe4y f\xf6r s\xf6m\xe9 \xe7\xfcps \xf6f t\xe9\xe4. Lorem ip#'
        result = entry.msgstr_plural
        self.assertEquals(result['0'], expected_s)
        self.assertEquals(result['1'], expected_p)