test_models.py 7.58 KB
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Python tests for the Survey models

from collections import OrderedDict

from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.client import Client
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

from survey.exceptions import SurveyFormNotFound, SurveyFormNameAlreadyExists
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from survey.models import SurveyForm

class SurveyModelsTests(TestCase):
    All tests for the Survey models.py file
    def setUp(self):
        Set up the test data used in the specific tests
        super(SurveyModelsTests, self).setUp()
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        self.client = Client()

        # Create two accounts
        self.password = 'abc'
        self.student = User.objects.create_user('student', 'student@test.com', self.password)
        self.student2 = User.objects.create_user('student2', 'student2@test.com', self.password)

        self.test_survey_name = 'TestForm'
        self.test_form = '<li><input name="field1" /></li><li><input name="field2" /></li><li><select name="ddl"><option>1</option></select></li>'
        self.test_form_update = '<input name="field1" />'

        self.student_answers = OrderedDict({
            'field1': 'value1',
            'field2': 'value2',

        self.student2_answers = OrderedDict({
            'field1': 'value3'

    def _create_test_survey(self):
        Helper method to set up test form
        return SurveyForm.create(self.test_survey_name, self.test_form)

    def test_form_not_found_raise_exception(self):
        Asserts that when looking up a form that does not exist

        with self.assertRaises(SurveyFormNotFound):

    def test_form_not_found_none(self):
        Asserts that when looking up a form that does not exist

        self.assertIsNone(SurveyForm.get(self.test_survey_name, throw_if_not_found=False))

    def test_create_new_form(self):
        Make sure we can create a new form a look it up

        survey = self._create_test_survey()

        new_survey = SurveyForm.get(self.test_survey_name)
        self.assertEqual(new_survey.form, self.test_form)

    def test_unicode_rendering(self):
        See if the survey form returns the expected unicode string
        survey = self._create_test_survey()
        self.assertEquals(unicode(survey), self.test_survey_name)

    def test_create_form_with_malformed_html(self):
        Make sure that if a SurveyForm is saved with unparseable html
        an exception is thrown
        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
            SurveyForm.create('badform', '<input name="oops" /><<<>')

    def test_create_form_with_no_fields(self):
        Make sure that if a SurveyForm is saved without any named fields
        an exception is thrown
        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
            SurveyForm.create('badform', '<p>no input fields here</p>')

        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
            SurveyForm.create('badform', '<input id="input_without_name" />')

    def test_create_form_already_exists(self):
        Make sure we can't create two surveys of the same name

        with self.assertRaises(SurveyFormNameAlreadyExists):

    def test_create_form_update_existing(self):
        Make sure we can update an existing form
        survey = self._create_test_survey()

        survey = SurveyForm.create(self.test_survey_name, self.test_form_update, update_if_exists=True)

        survey = SurveyForm.get(self.test_survey_name)
        self.assertEquals(survey.form, self.test_form_update)

    def test_survey_has_no_answers(self):
        Create a new survey and assert that there are no answers to that survey

        survey = self._create_test_survey()
        self.assertEquals(len(survey.get_answers()), 0)

    def test_user_has_no_answers(self):
        Create a new survey with no answers in it and check that a user is determined to not have answered it

        survey = self._create_test_survey()
        self.assertEquals(len(survey.get_answers()), 0)

    def test_single_user_answers(self):
        Create a new survey and add answers to it

        survey = self._create_test_survey()

        survey.save_user_answers(self.student, self.student_answers)


        all_answers = survey.get_answers()
        self.assertEquals(len(all_answers.keys()), 1)
        self.assertTrue(self.student.id in all_answers)
        self.assertEquals(all_answers[self.student.id], self.student_answers)

        answers = survey.get_answers(self.student)
        self.assertEquals(len(answers.keys()), 1)
        self.assertTrue(self.student.id in answers)
        self.assertEquals(all_answers[self.student.id], self.student_answers)

    def test_multiple_user_answers(self):
        Create a new survey and add answers to it

        survey = self._create_test_survey()

        survey.save_user_answers(self.student, self.student_answers)
        survey.save_user_answers(self.student2, self.student2_answers)


        all_answers = survey.get_answers()
        self.assertEquals(len(all_answers.keys()), 2)
        self.assertTrue(self.student.id in all_answers)
        self.assertTrue(self.student2.id in all_answers)
        self.assertEquals(all_answers[self.student.id], self.student_answers)
        self.assertEquals(all_answers[self.student2.id], self.student2_answers)

        answers = survey.get_answers(self.student)
        self.assertEquals(len(answers.keys()), 1)
        self.assertTrue(self.student.id in answers)
        self.assertEquals(all_answers[self.student.id], self.student_answers)

        answers = survey.get_answers(self.student2)
        self.assertEquals(len(answers.keys()), 1)
        self.assertTrue(self.student2.id in answers)
        self.assertEquals(all_answers[self.student2.id], self.student2_answers)

    def test_limit_num_users(self):
        Verify that the limit_num_users parameter to get_answers()
        works as intended
        survey = self._create_test_survey()

        survey.save_user_answers(self.student, self.student_answers)
        survey.save_user_answers(self.student2, self.student2_answers)

        # even though we have 2 users submitted answers
        # limit the result set to just 1
        all_answers = survey.get_answers(limit_num_users=1)
        self.assertEquals(len(all_answers.keys()), 1)

    def test_get_field_names(self):
        Create a new survey and add answers to it

        survey = self._create_test_survey()

        survey.save_user_answers(self.student, self.student_answers)
        survey.save_user_answers(self.student2, self.student2_answers)

        names = survey.get_field_names()

        self.assertEqual(sorted(names), ['ddl', 'field1', 'field2'])