test_symmath_check.py 2.58 KB
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from unittest import TestCase
from .symmath_check import symmath_check
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class SymmathCheckTest(TestCase):
    def test_symmath_check_integers(self):
        number_list = [i for i in range(-100, 100)]

    def test_symmath_check_floats(self):
        number_list = [i + 0.01 for i in range(-100, 100)]

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    def test_symmath_check_same_symbols(self):
        expected_str = "x+2*y"
        dynamath = '''
<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
  <mstyle displaystyle="true">

        # Expect that the exact same symbolic string is marked correct
        result = symmath_check(expected_str, expected_str, dynamath=[dynamath])
        self.assertTrue('ok' in result and result['ok'])

    def test_symmath_check_equivalent_symbols(self):
        expected_str = "x+2*y"
        input_str = "x+y+y"
        dynamath = '''
<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
  <mstyle displaystyle="true">

        # Expect that equivalent symbolic strings are marked correct
        result = symmath_check(expected_str, input_str, dynamath=[dynamath])
        self.assertTrue('ok' in result and result['ok'])

    def test_symmath_check_different_symbols(self):
        expected_str = "0"
        input_str = "x+y"
        dynamath = '''
<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
  <mstyle displaystyle="true">

        # Expect that an incorrect response is marked incorrect
        result = symmath_check(expected_str, input_str, dynamath=[dynamath])
        self.assertTrue('ok' in result and not result['ok'])
        self.assertFalse('fail' in result['msg'])

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    def _symmath_check_numbers(self, number_list):

        for n in number_list:

            # expect = ans, so should say the answer is correct
            expect = n
            ans = n
            result = symmath_check(str(expect), str(ans))
            self.assertTrue('ok' in result and result['ok'],
                            "%f should == %f" % (expect, ans))

            # Change expect so that it != ans
            expect += 0.1
            result = symmath_check(str(expect), str(ans))
            self.assertTrue('ok' in result and not result['ok'],
                            "%f should != %f" % (expect, ans))