team-member.underscore 2.14 KB
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<li class="user-item" data-email="<%= %>">
    <span class="wrapper-ui-badge">
    <span class="flag flag-role flag-role-<%= user.role %> is-hanging">
      <span class="label sr"><%= gettext("Current Role:") %></span>
      <span class="value">
        <%= roles[user.role] %>
        <% if (is_current_user) { %>
            <span class="msg-you"><%= gettext("You!") %></span>
        <% } %>

    <div class="item-metadata">
    <h3 class="user-name">
      <span class="user-username"><%= user.username %></span>
      <span class="user-email">
        <a class="action action-email" href="mailto:<%= %>"
                title="<%= viewHelpers.format(gettext("send an email message to {email}"), {email:})%>">
            <%= %>

    <% if (allow_actions) { %>
    <ul class="item-actions user-actions">
        <li class="action action-role">
        <% for (var i=0; i < actions.length; i++) { %>
            <% var action = actions[i]; %>
                <% if (action.notoggle) { %>
                    <span class="admin-role notoggleforyou"><%= gettext("Promote another member to Admin to remove your admin rights") %></span>
                <% } else { %>
                    <a href="#" class="make-<%= action.to_role %> admin-role <%= action.direction %>-admin-role">
                        <% var template = (action.direction === 'add') ? gettext("Add {role} Access") : gettext("Remove {role} Access"); %>
                        <%= viewHelpers.format(template, {role: action.label}) %></span>
                <% } %>
        <% } %>
        <li class="action action-delete <%=!allow_delete ? "is-disabled" : "" %> aria-disabled="<%=!allow_delete%>">
            <a href="#" class="delete remove-user action-icon" data-id="<%= %>">
                <span class="icon fa fa-trash-o" aria-hidden="true"></span>
44 45 46 47 48 49 50
                <span class="sr"><%= viewHelpers.format(gettext("Delete the user, {username}"), {username:user.username}) %></span>
    <% } %>
