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Partition scheme for in-course reverification.

This is responsible for placing users into one of two groups,
ALLOW or DENY, for a partition associated with a particular
in-course reverification checkpoint.

NOTE: This really should be defined in the verify_student app,
which owns the verification and reverification process.
It isn't defined there now because (a) we need access to this in both Studio
and the LMS, but verify_student is specific to the LMS, and
(b) in-course reverification checkpoints currently have messaging that's
specific to credit requirements.

import logging

from django.core.cache import cache

from lms.djangoapps.verify_student.models import SkippedReverification, VerificationStatus
from student.models import CourseEnrollment
from xmodule.partitions.partitions import NoSuchUserPartitionGroupError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class VerificationPartitionScheme(object):
    Assign users to groups for a particular verification checkpoint.

    Users in the ALLOW group can see gated content;
    users in the DENY group cannot.

    DENY = 0
    ALLOW = 1

    def get_group_for_user(cls, course_key, user, user_partition, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        Return the user's group depending their enrollment and verification

            course_key (CourseKey): CourseKey
            user (User): user object
            user_partition (UserPartition): The user partition object.

            string of allowed access group
        checkpoint = user_partition.parameters['location']

        # Retrieve all information we need to determine the user's group
        # as a multi-get from the cache.
        is_verified, has_skipped, has_completed = _get_user_statuses(user, course_key, checkpoint)

        # Decide whether the user should have access to content gated by this checkpoint.
        # Intuitively, we allow access if the user doesn't need to do anything at the checkpoint,
        # either because the user is in a non-verified track or the user has already submitted.
        # Note that we do NOT wait the user's reverification attempt to be approved,
        # since this can take some time and the user might miss an assignment deadline.
        partition_group = cls.DENY
        if not is_verified or has_skipped or has_completed:
            partition_group = cls.ALLOW

        # Return matching user partition group if it exists
            return user_partition.get_group(partition_group)
        except NoSuchUserPartitionGroupError:
                    u"Could not find group with ID %s for verified partition "
                    "with ID %s in course %s.  The user will not be assigned a group."
            return None

def _get_user_statuses(user, course_key, checkpoint):
    Retrieve all the information we need to determine the user's group.

    This will retrieve the information as a multi-get from the cache.

        user (User): User object
        course_key (CourseKey): Identifier for the course.
        checkpoint (unicode): Location of the checkpoint in the course (serialized usage key)

        tuple of booleans of the form (is_verified, has_skipped, has_completed)

    enrollment_cache_key = CourseEnrollment.cache_key_name(, unicode(course_key))
    has_skipped_cache_key = SkippedReverification.cache_key_name(, unicode(course_key))
    verification_status_cache_key = VerificationStatus.cache_key_name(, unicode(course_key))

    # Try a multi-get from the cache
    cache_values = cache.get_many([

    # Retrieve whether the user is enrolled in a verified mode.
    is_verified = cache_values.get(enrollment_cache_key)
    if is_verified is None:
        is_verified = CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled_as_verified(user, course_key)
        cache.set(enrollment_cache_key, is_verified)

    # Retrieve whether the user has skipped any checkpoints in this course
    has_skipped = cache_values.get(has_skipped_cache_key)
    if has_skipped is None:
        has_skipped = SkippedReverification.check_user_skipped_reverification_exists(user, course_key)
        cache.set(has_skipped_cache_key, has_skipped)

    # Retrieve the user's verification status for each checkpoint in the course.
    verification_statuses = cache_values.get(verification_status_cache_key)
    if verification_statuses is None:
        verification_statuses = VerificationStatus.get_all_checkpoints(, course_key)
        cache.set(verification_status_cache_key, verification_statuses)

    # Check whether the user has completed this checkpoint
    # "Completion" here means *any* submission, regardless of its status
    # since we want to show the user the content if they've submitted
    # photos.
    checkpoint = verification_statuses.get(checkpoint)
    has_completed_check = bool(checkpoint)

    return (is_verified, has_skipped, has_completed_check)