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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>MathJax Dynamic Math Test Page</title>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Design Science, Inc. -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="../MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"></script>

input {margin-top: .7em}
.output {
  border: 1px solid black;
  padding: 1em;
  width: auto;
  position: absolute; top: 0; left: 2em;
  min-width: 20em;
.box {position: relative}

  //  Use a closure to hide the local variables from the
  //  global namespace
  (function () {
    var QUEUE = MathJax.Hub.queue;  // shorthand for the queue
    var math = null, box = null;    // the element jax for the math output, and the box it's in

    //  Hide and show the box (so it doesn't flicker as much)
    var HIDEBOX = function () { = "hidden"}
    var SHOWBOX = function () { = "visible"}

    //  Get the element jax when MathJax has produced it.
    QUEUE.Push(function () {
      math = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax("MathOutput")[0];
      box = document.getElementById("box");
      SHOWBOX(); // box is initially hidden so the braces don't show

    //  The onchange event handler that typesets the math entered
    //  by the user.  Hide the box, then typeset, then show it again
    //  so we don't see a flash as the math is cleared and replaced.
    window.UpdateMath = function (TeX) {

Type some \(\rm\TeX\) code and press RETURN:<br /> 
<input id="MathInput" size="80" onchange="UpdateMath(this.value)" />

<p>You typed:</p>
<div class="box" id="box" style="visibility:hidden">
<div id="MathOutput" class="output">$${}$$</div>

  //  IE doesn't fire onchange events for RETURN, so
  //   use onkeypress to do a blur (and refocus) to
  //   force the onchange to occur
  if (MathJax.Hub.Browser.isMSIE) {
    MathInput.onkeypress = function () {
      if (window.event && window.event.keyCode === 13) {this.blur(); this.focus()}
