test_crowdsource_hinter.py 11.8 KB
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Test scenarios for the crowdsource hinter xblock.
import json
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import unittest

from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
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from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import SharedModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory, ItemFactory

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from lms.djangoapps.courseware.tests.helpers import LoginEnrollmentTestCase
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.tests.factories import GlobalStaffFactory
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from lms.djangoapps.lms_xblock.runtime import quote_slashes

from django.conf import settings
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class TestCrowdsourceHinter(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase):
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    Create the test environment with the crowdsourcehinter xblock.
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    STUDENTS = [
        {'email': 'view@test.com', 'password': 'foo'},
        {'email': 'view2@test.com', 'password': 'foo'}
    XBLOCK_NAMES = ['crowdsourcehinter']
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    def setUpClass(cls):
        # Nose runs setUpClass methods even if a class decorator says to skip
        # the class: https://github.com/nose-devs/nose/issues/946
        # So, skip the test class here if we are not in the LMS.
        if settings.ROOT_URLCONF != 'lms.urls':
            raise unittest.SkipTest('Test only valid in lms')

        super(TestCrowdsourceHinter, cls).setUpClass()
        cls.course = CourseFactory.create(
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        with cls.store.bulk_operations(cls.course.id, emit_signals=False):
            cls.chapter = ItemFactory.create(
                parent=cls.course, display_name='Overview'
            cls.section = ItemFactory.create(
                parent=cls.chapter, display_name='Welcome'
            cls.unit = ItemFactory.create(
                parent=cls.section, display_name='New Unit'
            cls.xblock = ItemFactory.create(
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        cls.course_url = reverse(
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                'course_id': cls.course.id.to_deprecated_string(),
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                'chapter': 'Overview',
                'section': 'Welcome',

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    def setUp(self):
        super(TestCrowdsourceHinter, self).setUp()
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        for idx, student in enumerate(self.STUDENTS):
            username = "u{}".format(idx)
            self.create_account(username, student['email'], student['password'])

        self.staff_user = GlobalStaffFactory()

    def get_handler_url(self, handler, xblock_name=None):
        Get url for the specified xblock handler
        if xblock_name is None:
            xblock_name = TestCrowdsourceHinter.XBLOCK_NAMES[0]
        return reverse('xblock_handler', kwargs={
            'course_id': self.course.id.to_deprecated_string(),
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            'usage_id': quote_slashes(self.course.id.make_usage_key('crowdsourcehinter', xblock_name).
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            'handler': handler,
            'suffix': ''

    def enroll_student(self, email, password):
        Student login and enroll for the course
        self.login(email, password)
        self.enroll(self.course, verify=True)

    def enroll_staff(self, staff):
        Staff login and enroll for the course
        email = staff.email
        password = 'test'
        self.login(email, password)
        self.enroll(self.course, verify=True)

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    def initialize_database_by_id(self, handler, resource_id, times, xblock_name=None):
        Call a ajax event (vote, delete, endorse) on a resource by its id
        several times
        if xblock_name is None:
            xblock_name = TestCrowdsourceHinter.XBLOCK_NAMES[0]
        url = self.get_handler_url(handler, xblock_name)
        for _ in range(times):
            self.client.post(url, json.dumps({'id': resource_id}), '')

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    def call_event(self, handler, resource, xblock_name=None):
        Call a ajax event (add, edit, flag, etc.) by specifying the resource
        it takes
        if xblock_name is None:
            xblock_name = TestCrowdsourceHinter.XBLOCK_NAMES[0]
        url = self.get_handler_url(handler, xblock_name)
        return self.client.post(url, json.dumps(resource), '')
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    def check_event_response_by_element(self, handler, resource, resp_key, resp_val, xblock_name=None):
        Call the event specified by the handler with the resource, and check
        whether the element (resp_key) in response is as expected (resp_val)
        if xblock_name is None:
            xblock_name = TestCrowdsourceHinter.XBLOCK_NAMES[0]
        resp = self.call_event(handler, resource, xblock_name)
        self.assertEqual(resp[resp_key], resp_val)
        self.assert_request_status_code(200, self.course_url)

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class TestHinterFunctions(TestCrowdsourceHinter):
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    Check that the essential functions of the hinter work as expected.
    Tests cover the basic process of receiving a hint, adding a new hint,
    and rating/reporting hints.
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    def test_get_hint_with_no_hints(self):
        Check that a generic statement is returned when no default/specific hints exist
        result = self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'}, 'crowdsourcehinter')
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        expected = {'BestHint': 'Sorry, there are no hints for this answer.', 'StudentAnswer': 'incorrect answer 1',
                    'HintCategory': False}
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
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    def test_add_new_hint(self):
        Test the ability to add a new specific hint
        self.enroll_student(self.STUDENTS[0]['email'], self.STUDENTS[0]['password'])
        data = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1', 'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
        self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
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        result = self.call_event('add_new_hint', data)
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        expected = {'success': True,
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                    'result': 'Hint added'}
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
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    def test_get_hint(self):
        Check that specific hints are returned
        self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
        submission = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
                      'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
        self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission)
        result = self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
        expected = {'BestHint': 'new hint for answer 1', 'StudentAnswer': 'incorrect answer 1',
                    'HintCategory': 'ErrorResponse'}
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
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    def test_rate_hint_upvote(self):
        Test hint upvoting
        self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
        submission = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
                      'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
        self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission)
        data = {
            'student_answer': 'incorrect answer 1',
            'hint': 'new hint for answer 1',
            'student_rating': 'upvote'
        expected = {'success': True}
        result = self.call_event('rate_hint', data)
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
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    def test_rate_hint_downvote(self):
        Test hint downvoting
        self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
        submission = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
                      'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
        self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission)
        data = {
            'student_answer': 'incorrect answer 1',
            'hint': 'new hint for answer 1',
            'student_rating': 'downvote'
        expected = {'success': True}
        result = self.call_event('rate_hint', data)
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
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    def test_report_hint(self):
        Test hint reporting
        self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
        submission = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
                      'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
        self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission)
        data = {
            'student_answer': 'incorrect answer 1',
            'hint': 'new hint for answer 1',
            'student_rating': 'report'
        expected = {'rating': 'reported', 'hint': 'new hint for answer 1'}
        result = self.call_event('rate_hint', data)
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
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    def test_dont_show_reported_hint(self):
        Check that reported hints are returned
        self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
        submission = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
                      'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
        self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission)
        data = {
            'student_answer': 'incorrect answer 1',
            'hint': 'new hint for answer 1',
            'student_rating': 'report'
        self.call_event('rate_hint', data)
        result = self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
        expected = {'BestHint': 'Sorry, there are no hints for this answer.', 'StudentAnswer': 'incorrect answer 1',
                    'HintCategory': False}
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
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    def test_get_used_hint_answer_data(self):
        Check that hint/answer information from previous submissions are returned upon correctly
        answering the problem
        self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
        self.call_event('get_used_hint_answer_data', "")
        submission = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
                      'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
        self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission)
        self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
        result = self.call_event('get_used_hint_answer_data', "")
        expected = {'new hint for answer 1': 'incorrect answer 1'}
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)
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    def test_show_best_hint(self):
        Check that the most upvoted hint is shown
        self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
        submission1 = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1',
                       'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
        submission2 = {'new_hint_submission': 'new hint for answer 1 to report',
                       'answer': 'incorrect answer 1'}
        self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission1)
        self.call_event('add_new_hint', submission2)
        data_upvote = {
            'student_answer': 'incorrect answer 1',
            'hint': 'new hint for answer 1 to report',
            'student_rating': 'upvote'
        self.call_event('rate_hint', data_upvote)
        data_downvote = {
            'student_answer': 'incorrect answer 1',
            'hint': 'new hint for answer 1 to report',
            'student_rating': 'report'
        self.call_event('rate_hint', data_downvote)
        result = self.call_event('get_hint', {'submittedanswer': 'ans=incorrect+answer+1'})
        expected = {'BestHint': 'new hint for answer 1', 'StudentAnswer': 'incorrect answer 1',
                    'HintCategory': 'ErrorResponse'}
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(result.content), expected)