registration_codes_sale_invoice_attachment.txt 1.9 KB
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<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>




${_("Date: {date}").format(date=date)}
${_("Invoice No: {invoice_number}").format(}
${_("Terms: Due Immediately")}
${_("Due Date: {date}").format(date=date)}

${_("Bill to:")}
% if invoice.address_line_2:
% endif
% if invoice.address_line_3:
% endif
${}, ${invoice.state}, ${}
${_("Customer Reference Number: {reference_number}").format(reference_number=invoice.customer_reference_number if invoice.customer_reference_number else "")}

                                        ${_("Balance Due: ${sale_price}").format(sale_price=sale_price)}


${_("Course: {course_name}").format(course_name=course.display_name)}

${_("Price:         ${course_price}  Quantity:      {quantity}  Sub-Total:    ${sub_total}  Discount:  ${discount}").format(course_price=course_price, quantity=quantity, sub_total=sub_total, discount=discount)}
${_("Total:      ${sale_price}").format(sale_price=sale_price)}


${_("Payment instructions")}


${_("Failure to pay this invoice will result the invalidation of student enrollment that use these codes. All purchases are final. Please refer to the cancellation policy on {site_name} for more information.").format(site_name=site_name)}

${_("If you have payment questions, please contact {contact_email}").format(contact_email=contact_email)}