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This module provides a :class:`~xblock.field_data.FieldData` implementation
which wraps an other `FieldData` object and provides overrides based on the
user.  The use of providers allows for overrides that are arbitrarily
extensible.  One provider is found in `courseware.student_field_overrides`
which allows for fields to be overridden for individual students.  One can
envision other providers being written that allow for fields to be overridden
base on membership of a student in a cohort, or similar.  The use of an
extensible, modular architecture allows for overrides being done in ways not
envisioned by the authors.

Currently, this module is used in the `module_render` module in this same
package and is used to wrap the `authored_data` when constructing an
`LmsFieldData`.  This means overrides will be in effect for all scopes covered
by `authored_data`, e.g. course content and settings stored in Mongo.
import threading

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager
from django.conf import settings
from request_cache.middleware import RequestCache
23 24 25 26
from xblock.field_data import FieldData
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import InheritanceMixin

NOTSET = object()
ENABLED_OVERRIDE_PROVIDERS_KEY = "courseware.field_overrides.enabled_providers.{course_id}"
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

def resolve_dotted(name):
    Given the dotted name for a Python object, performs any necessary imports
    and returns the object.
    names = name.split('.')
    path = names.pop(0)
    target = __import__(path)
    while names:
        segment = names.pop(0)
        path += '.' + segment
            target = getattr(target, segment)
        except AttributeError:
            target = getattr(target, segment)
    return target

class OverrideFieldData(FieldData):
    A :class:`~xblock.field_data.FieldData` which wraps another `FieldData`
    object and allows for fields handled by the wrapped `FieldData` to be
    overriden by arbitrary providers.

    Providers are configured by use of the Django setting,
    `FIELD_OVERRIDE_PROVIDERS` which should be a tuple of dotted names of
    :class:`FieldOverrideProvider` concrete implementations.  Note that order
    is important for this setting.  Override providers will tried in the order
    configured in the setting.  The first provider to find an override 'wins'
    for a particular field lookup.
    provider_classes = None

    def wrap(cls, user, course, wrapped):
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
        Will return a :class:`OverrideFieldData` which wraps the field data
        given in `wrapped` for the given `user`, if override providers are
        configred.  If no override providers are configured, using the Django
        setting, `FIELD_OVERRIDE_PROVIDERS`, returns `wrapped`, eliminating
        any performance impact of this feature if no override providers are
        if cls.provider_classes is None:
            cls.provider_classes = tuple(
                (resolve_dotted(name) for name in

79 80 81 82 83 84 85
        enabled_providers = cls._providers_for_course(course)
        if enabled_providers:
            # TODO: we might not actually want to return here.  Might be better
            # to check for instance.providers after the instance is built. This
            # would allow for the case where we have registered providers but
            # none are enabled for the provided course
            return cls(user, wrapped, enabled_providers)
86 87 88

        return wrapped

89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
    def _providers_for_course(cls, course):
        Return a filtered list of enabled providers based
        on the course passed in. Cache this result per request to avoid
        needing to call the provider filter api hundreds of times.

            course: The course XBlock
        request_cache = RequestCache.get_request_cache()
100 101 102 103 104
        if course is None:
            cache_key = ENABLED_OVERRIDE_PROVIDERS_KEY.format(course_id='None')
            cache_key = ENABLED_OVERRIDE_PROVIDERS_KEY.format(course_id=unicode(
        enabled_providers =, NOTSET)
105 106 107 108
        if enabled_providers == NOTSET:
            enabled_providers = tuple(
                (provider_class for provider_class in cls.provider_classes if provider_class.enabled_for(course))
  [cache_key] = enabled_providers
110 111 112 113

        return enabled_providers

    def __init__(self, user, fallback, providers):
        self.fallback = fallback
        self.providers = tuple(provider(user) for provider in providers)
116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141

    def get_override(self, block, name):
        Checks for an override for the field identified by `name` in `block`.
        Returns the overridden value or `NOTSET` if no override is found.
        if not overrides_disabled():
            for provider in self.providers:
                value = provider.get(block, name, NOTSET)
                if value is not NOTSET:
                    return value
        return NOTSET

    def get(self, block, name):
        value = self.get_override(block, name)
        if value is not NOTSET:
            return value
        return self.fallback.get(block, name)

    def set(self, block, name, value):
        self.fallback.set(block, name, value)

    def delete(self, block, name):
        self.fallback.delete(block, name)

    def has(self, block, name):
142 143 144
        if not self.providers:
            return self.fallback.has(block, name)

145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
        has = self.get_override(block, name)
        if has is NOTSET:
            # If this is an inheritable field and an override is set above,
            # then we want to return False here, so the field_data uses the
            # override and not the original value for this block.
            inheritable = InheritanceMixin.fields.keys()
            if name in inheritable:
                for ancestor in _lineage(block):
                    if self.get_override(ancestor, name) is not NOTSET:
                        return False

        return has is not NOTSET or self.fallback.has(block, name)

    def set_many(self, block, update_dict):
        return self.fallback.set_many(block, update_dict)

    def default(self, block, name):
        # The `default` method is overloaded by the field storage system to
        # also handle inheritance.
        if self.providers and not overrides_disabled():
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            inheritable = InheritanceMixin.fields.keys()
            if name in inheritable:
                for ancestor in _lineage(block):
                    value = self.get_override(ancestor, name)
                    if value is not NOTSET:
                        return value
        return self.fallback.default(block, name)

class _OverridesDisabled(threading.local):
    A thread local used to manage state of overrides being disabled or not.
    disabled = ()

_OVERRIDES_DISABLED = _OverridesDisabled()

def disable_overrides():
    A context manager which disables field overrides inside the context of a
    `with` statement, allowing code to get at the `original` value of a field.
    prev = _OVERRIDES_DISABLED.disabled
    _OVERRIDES_DISABLED.disabled += (True,)
    _OVERRIDES_DISABLED.disabled = prev

def overrides_disabled():
    Checks to see whether overrides are disabled in the current context.
    Returns a boolean value.  See `disable_overrides`.
    return bool(_OVERRIDES_DISABLED.disabled)

class FieldOverrideProvider(object):
    Abstract class which defines the interface that a `FieldOverrideProvider`
    must provide.  In general, providers should derive from this class, but
    it's not strictly necessary as long as they correctly implement this

    A `FieldOverrideProvider` implementation is only responsible for looking up
    field overrides. To set overrides, there will be a domain specific API for
    the concrete override implementation being used.
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, user):
        self.user = user

    def get(self, block, name, default):  # pragma no cover
        Look for an override value for the field named `name` in `block`.
        Returns the overridden value or `default` if no override is found.
        raise NotImplementedError

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    def enabled_for(self, course):  # pragma no cover
        Return True if this provider should be enabled for a given course

        Return False otherwise

        Concrete implementations are responsible for implementing this method
        return False

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def _lineage(block):
    Returns an iterator over all ancestors of the given block, starting with
    its immediate parent and ending at the root of the block tree.
    parent = block.get_parent()
246 247
    while parent:
        yield parent
        parent = parent.get_parent()