test_pipeline.py 1.62 KB
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"""Unit tests for third_party_auth/pipeline.py."""

import random

from third_party_auth import pipeline, provider
from third_party_auth.tests import testutil

# Allow tests access to protected methods (or module-protected methods) under
# test. pylint: disable-msg=protected-access

class MakeRandomPasswordTest(testutil.TestCase):
    """Tests formation of random placeholder passwords."""

    def setUp(self):
        super(MakeRandomPasswordTest, self).setUp()
        self.seed = 1

    def test_default_args(self):
        self.assertEqual(pipeline._DEFAULT_RANDOM_PASSWORD_LENGTH, len(pipeline.make_random_password()))

    def test_probably_only_uses_charset(self):
        # This is ultimately probablistic since we could randomly select a good character 100000 consecutive times.
        for char in pipeline.make_random_password(length=100000):
            self.assertIn(char, pipeline._PASSWORD_CHARSET)

    def test_pseudorandomly_picks_chars_from_charset(self):
        random_instance = random.Random(self.seed)
        expected = ''.join(
            for _ in xrange(pipeline._DEFAULT_RANDOM_PASSWORD_LENGTH))
        self.assertEqual(expected, pipeline.make_random_password(choice_fn=random_instance.choice))

class ProviderUserStateTestCase(testutil.TestCase):
    """Tests ProviderUserState behavior."""

    def test_get_unlink_form_name(self):
        state = pipeline.ProviderUserState(provider.GoogleOauth2, object(), False)
        self.assertEqual(provider.GoogleOauth2.NAME + '_unlink_form', state.get_unlink_form_name())