staff-lock-editor.underscore 1.9 KB
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<h3 class="modal-section-title"><%= gettext('Student Visibility') %></h3>
<div class="modal-section-content staff-lock">
    <ul class="list-fields list-input">
        <li class="field field-checkbox checkbox-cosmetic">
            <input type="checkbox" id="staff_lock" name="staff_lock" class="input input-checkbox" />
            <label for="staff_lock" class="label">
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              <i class="icon fa fa-check-square-o input-checkbox-checked"></i>
              <i class="icon fa fa-square-o input-checkbox-unchecked"></i>
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              <%= gettext('Hide from students') %>

            <% if (hasExplicitStaffLock && !ancestorLocked) { %>
                <p class="tip tip-warning">
                  <% if (xblockInfo.isVertical()) { %>
                    <%= gettext('If the unit was previously published and released to students, any changes you made to the unit when it was hidden will now be visible to students.') %>
                  <% } else { %>
                    <% var message = gettext('If you make this %(xblockType)s visible to students, students will be able to see its content after the release date has passed and you have published the unit.'); %>
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                    <%= interpolate(message, { xblockType: xblockType }, true) %>
                  <% } %>

                <p class="tip tip-warning">
                  <% if (xblockInfo.isChapter()) { %>
                    <%= gettext('Any subsections or units that are explicitly hidden from students will remain hidden after you clear this option for the section.') %>
                  <% } %>
                  <% if (xblockInfo.isSequential()) { %>
                    <%= gettext('Any units that are explicitly hidden from students will remain hidden after you clear this option for the subsection.') %>
                  <% } %>
            <% } %>