tasks.py 5.35 KB
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Defines asynchronous celery task for sending email notification (through edx-ace)
pertaining to new discussion forum comments.
import logging
from urllib import urlencode
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
from urlparse import urljoin

from celery import task
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site

from celery_utils.logged_task import LoggedTask
from edx_ace import ace
from edx_ace.utils import date
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from edx_ace.message import MessageType
from edx_ace.recipient import Recipient
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from openedx.core.djangoapps.site_configuration.helpers import get_value
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from lms.djangoapps.django_comment_client.utils import permalink
import lms.lib.comment_client as cc

from openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews.models import CourseOverview
from openedx.core.djangoapps.schedules.template_context import get_base_template_context

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ROUTING_KEY = getattr(settings, 'ACE_ROUTING_KEY', None)

class ResponseNotification(MessageType):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ResponseNotification, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.name = 'response_notification'

@task(base=LoggedTask, routing_key=ROUTING_KEY)
def send_ace_message(context):
    context['course_id'] = CourseKey.from_string(context['course_id'])
    context['site'] = Site.objects.get(id=context['site_id'])
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    if _should_send_message(context):
        thread_author = User.objects.get(id=context['thread_author_id'])
        message_context = _build_message_context(context)
        message = ResponseNotification().personalize(
            Recipient(thread_author.username, thread_author.email),
        log.info('Sending forum comment email notification with context %s', message_context)

def _should_send_message(context):
    cc_thread_author = cc.User(id=context['thread_author_id'], course_id=context['course_id'])
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
    return (
        _is_user_subscribed_to_thread(cc_thread_author, context['thread_id']) and
        _is_not_subcomment(context['comment_id']) and
        _is_first_comment(context['comment_id'], context['thread_id'])

def _is_not_subcomment(comment_id):
    comment = cc.Comment.find(id=comment_id).retrieve()
    return not getattr(comment, 'parent_id', None)

def _is_first_comment(comment_id, thread_id):
    thread = cc.Thread.find(id=thread_id).retrieve(with_responses=True)
    first_comment = thread.children[0]
    return first_comment.get('id') == comment_id
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def _is_user_subscribed_to_thread(cc_user, thread_id):
    paginated_result = cc_user.subscribed_threads()
    thread_ids = {thread['id'] for thread in paginated_result.collection}

    while paginated_result.page < paginated_result.num_pages:
        next_page = paginated_result.page + 1
        paginated_result = cc_user.subscribed_threads(query_params={'page': next_page})
        thread_ids.update(thread['id'] for thread in paginated_result.collection)

    return thread_id in thread_ids

def _get_course_language(course_id):
    course_overview = CourseOverview.objects.get(id=course_id)
    language = course_overview.language or DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
    return language

def _build_message_context(context):
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    message_context = get_base_template_context(Site.objects.get(id=context['site_id']))
    message_context['post_link'] = _get_thread_url(context)
    message_context['ga_tracking_pixel_url'] = _generate_ga_pixel_url(context)
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    return message_context

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def _deserialize_context_dates(context):
    context['comment_created_at'] = date.deserialize(context['comment_created_at'])
    context['thread_created_at'] = date.deserialize(context['thread_created_at'])
    return context

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def _get_thread_url(context):
    thread_content = {
        'type': 'thread',
        'course_id': context['course_id'],
        'commentable_id': context['thread_commentable_id'],
        'id': context['thread_id'],
116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
    return urljoin(context['site'].domain, permalink(thread_content))

def _generate_ga_pixel_url(context):
    # used for analytics
    query_params = {
        'v': '1',  # version, required for GA
        't': 'event',  #
        'ec': 'email',  # event category
        'ea': 'edx.bi.email.opened',  # event action: in this case, the user opened the email
        'tid': get_value("GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID", getattr(settings, "GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID", None)),  # tracking ID to associate this link with our GA instance
        'uid': context['thread_author_id'],
        'cs': 'sailthru',  # Campaign source - what sent the email
        'cm': 'email',  # Campaign medium - how the content is being delivered
        'cn': 'triggered_discussionnotification',  # Campaign name - human-readable name for this particular class of message
        'dp': '/email/ace/discussions/responsenotification/{0}/'.format(context['course_id']),  # document path, used for drilling down into specific events
        'dt': 'Reply to {0} at {1}'.format(context['thread_title'], context['comment_created_at']),  # document title, should match the title of the email

    return u"{url}?{params}".format(