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import abc
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
import logging

from collections import namedtuple

log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")

# This is a tuple for holding scores, either from problems or sections.
# Section either indicates the name of the problem or the name of the section
Score = namedtuple("Score", "earned possible graded section")

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

def aggregate_scores(scores, section_name="summary"):
    scores: A list of Score objects
    returns: A tuple (all_total, graded_total).
        all_total: A Score representing the total score summed over all input scores
        graded_total: A Score representing the score summed over all graded input scores
20 21
    total_correct_graded = sum(score.earned for score in scores if score.graded)
    total_possible_graded = sum(score.possible for score in scores if score.graded)

23 24
    total_correct = sum(score.earned for score in scores)
    total_possible = sum(score.possible for score in scores)

    #regardless of whether or not it is graded
27 28 29 30
    all_total = Score(total_correct,
    #selecting only graded things
32 33 34
    graded_total = Score(total_correct_graded,
35 36 37 38

    return all_total, graded_total


40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
def grader_from_conf(conf):
    This creates a CourseGrader from a configuration (such as in
    The conf can simply be an instance of CourseGrader, in which case no work is done.
    More commonly, the conf is a list of dictionaries. A WeightedSubsectionsGrader
    with AssignmentFormatGrader's or SingleSectionGrader's as subsections will be
    generated. Every dictionary should contain the parameters for making either a
    AssignmentFormatGrader or SingleSectionGrader, in addition to a 'weight' key.
    if isinstance(conf, CourseGrader):
        return conf
    subgraders = []
    for subgraderconf in conf:
        subgraderconf = subgraderconf.copy()
        weight = subgraderconf.pop("weight", 0)
            if 'min_count' in subgraderconf:
                #This is an AssignmentFormatGrader
                subgrader = AssignmentFormatGrader(**subgraderconf)
                subgraders.append( (subgrader, subgrader.category, weight) ) 
            elif 'name' in subgraderconf:
                #This is an SingleSectionGrader
                subgrader = SingleSectionGrader(**subgraderconf)
                subgraders.append( (subgrader, subgrader.category, weight) )
                raise ValueError("Configuration has no appropriate grader class.")
        except (TypeError, ValueError) as error:
            errorString = "Unable to parse grader configuration:\n    " + str(subgraderconf) + "\n    Error was:\n    " + str(error)
            raise ValueError(errorString)
    return WeightedSubsectionsGrader( subgraders )

class CourseGrader(object):
    A course grader takes the totaled scores for each graded section (that a student has 
    started) in the course. From these scores, the grader calculates an overall percentage 
    grade. The grader should also generate information about how that score was calculated,
    to be displayed in graphs or charts.
    A grader has one required method, grade(), which is passed a grade_sheet. The grade_sheet
    contains scores for all graded section that the student has started. If a student has
    a score of 0 for that section, it may be missing from the grade_sheet. The grade_sheet
    is keyed by section format. Each value is a list of Score namedtuples for each section
    that has the matching section format.
    The grader outputs a dictionary with the following keys:
    - percent: Contaisn a float value, which is the final percentage score for the student.
    - section_breakdown: This is a list of dictionaries which provide details on sections
    that were graded. These are used for display in a graph or chart. The format for a 
    section_breakdown dictionary is explained below.
    - grade_breakdown: This is a list of dictionaries which provide details on the contributions
    of the final percentage grade. This is a higher level breakdown, for when the grade is constructed
    of a few very large sections (such as Homeworks, Labs, a Midterm, and a Final). The format for
    a grade_breakdown is explained below. This section is optional.
    A dictionary in the section_breakdown list has the following keys:
    percent: A float percentage for the section.
    label: A short string identifying the section. Preferably fixed-length. E.g. "HW  3".
    detail: A string explanation of the score. E.g. "Homework 1 - Ohms Law - 83% (5/6)"
    category: A string identifying the category. Items with the same category are grouped together
    in the display (for example, by color).
    prominent: A boolean value indicating that this section should be displayed as more prominent
    than other items.
    A dictionary in the grade_breakdown list has the following keys:
    percent: A float percentage in the breakdown. All percents should add up to the final percentage.
    detail: A string explanation of this breakdown. E.g. "Homework - 10% of a possible 15%"
    category: A string identifying the category. Items with the same category are grouped together
    in the display (for example, by color).
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    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279
    def grade(self, grade_sheet):
        raise NotImplementedError        
class WeightedSubsectionsGrader(CourseGrader):
    This grader takes a list of tuples containing (grader, category_name, weight) and computes
    a final grade by totalling the contribution of each sub grader and multiplying it by the
    given weight. For example, the sections may be 
    [ (homeworkGrader, "Homework", 0.15), (labGrader, "Labs", 0.15), (midtermGrader, "Midterm", 0.30), (finalGrader, "Final", 0.40) ]
    All items in section_breakdown for each subgrader will be combined. A grade_breakdown will be
    composed using the score from each grader.
    Note that the sum of the weights is not take into consideration. If the weights add up to
    a value > 1, the student may end up with a percent > 100%. This allows for sections that
    are extra credit.
    def __init__(self, sections):
        self.sections = sections
    def grade(self, grade_sheet):
        total_percent = 0.0
        section_breakdown = []
        grade_breakdown = []
        for subgrader, category, weight in self.sections:
            subgrade_result = subgrader.grade(grade_sheet)
            weightedPercent = subgrade_result['percent'] * weight
            section_detail = "{0} = {1:.1%} of a possible {2:.0%}".format(category, weightedPercent, weight)
            total_percent += weightedPercent
            section_breakdown += subgrade_result['section_breakdown']
            grade_breakdown.append( {'percent' : weightedPercent, 'detail' : section_detail, 'category' : category} )
        return {'percent' : total_percent,
                'section_breakdown' : section_breakdown,
                'grade_breakdown' : grade_breakdown}

class SingleSectionGrader(CourseGrader):
    This grades a single section with the format 'type' and the name 'name'.
    If the name is not appropriate for the short short_label or category, they each may
    be specified individually.
    def __init__(self, type, name, short_label = None, category = None):
        self.type = type = name
        self.short_label = short_label or name
        self.category = category or name
    def grade(self, grade_sheet):
        foundScore = None
        if self.type in grade_sheet:
            for score in grade_sheet[self.type]:
                if score.section ==
                    foundScore = score
        if foundScore:
            percent = foundScore.earned / float(foundScore.possible) 
            detail = "{name} - {percent:.0%} ({earned:.3n}/{possible:.3n})".format( name =, 
                                                                        percent = percent,
                                                                        earned = float(foundScore.earned),
                                                                        possible = float(foundScore.possible))
            percent = 0.0
            detail = "{name} - 0% (?/?)".format(name =
        breakdown = [{'percent': percent, 'label': self.short_label, 'detail': detail, 'category': self.category, 'prominent': True}]
        return {'percent' : percent,
                'section_breakdown' : breakdown,
                #No grade_breakdown here
class AssignmentFormatGrader(CourseGrader):
    Grades all sections matching the format 'type' with an equal weight. A specified
    number of lowest scores can be dropped from the calculation. The minimum number of
    sections in this format must be specified (even if those sections haven't been
    written yet).
    min_count defines how many assignments are expected throughout the course. Placeholder
    scores (of 0) will be inserted if the number of matching sections in the course is < min_count.
    If there number of matching sections in the course is > min_count, min_count will be ignored.
    category should be presentable to the user, but may not appear. When the grade breakdown is 
    displayed, scores from the same category will be similar (for example, by color).
    section_type is a string that is the type of a singular section. For example, for Labs it
    would be "Lab". This defaults to be the same as category.
    short_label is similar to section_type, but shorter. For example, for Homework it would be
    def __init__(self, type, min_count, drop_count, category = None, section_type = None, short_label = None):
        self.type = type
        self.min_count = min_count
        self.drop_count = drop_count
        self.category = category or self.type
        self.section_type = section_type or self.type
        self.short_label = short_label or self.type
    def grade(self, grade_sheet):
        def totalWithDrops(breakdown, drop_count):
            #create an array of tuples with (index, mark), sorted by mark['percent'] descending
            sorted_breakdown = sorted( enumerate(breakdown), key=lambda x: -x[1]['percent'] )
            # A list of the indices of the dropped scores
            dropped_indices = []
            if drop_count > 0:
                dropped_indices = [x[0] for x in sorted_breakdown[-drop_count:]]
            aggregate_score = 0
            for index, mark in enumerate(breakdown):
                if index not in dropped_indices:
                    aggregate_score += mark['percent']
            if (len(breakdown) - drop_count > 0):
                aggregate_score /= len(breakdown) - drop_count
            return aggregate_score, dropped_indices
        #Figure the homework scores
        scores = grade_sheet.get(self.type, [])
        breakdown = []
        for i in range( max(self.min_count, len(scores)) ):
            if i < len(scores):
                percentage = scores[i].earned / float(scores[i].possible)
                summary = "{section_type} {index} - {name} - {percent:.0%} ({earned:.3n}/{possible:.3n})".format(index = i+1, 
                                                                section_type = self.section_type,
                                                                name = scores[i].section,
                                                                percent = percentage, 
                                                                earned = float(scores[i].earned), 
                                                                possible = float(scores[i].possible) )
                percentage = 0
                summary = "{section_type} {index} Unreleased - 0% (?/?)".format(index = i+1, section_type = self.section_type)
            short_label = "{short_label} {index:02d}".format(index = i+1, short_label = self.short_label)
            breakdown.append( {'percent': percentage, 'label': short_label, 'detail': summary, 'category': self.category} )
        total_percent, dropped_indices = totalWithDrops(breakdown, self.drop_count)
        for dropped_index in dropped_indices:
            breakdown[dropped_index]['mark'] = {'detail': "The lowest {drop_count} {section_type} scores are dropped.".format(drop_count = self.drop_count, section_type=self.section_type) }
        total_detail = "{section_type} Average = {percent:.0%}".format(percent = total_percent, section_type = self.section_type)
        total_label = "{short_label} Avg".format(short_label = self.short_label)
        breakdown.append( {'percent': total_percent, 'label': total_label, 'detail': total_detail, 'category': self.category, 'prominent': True} )
        return {'percent' : total_percent,
                'section_breakdown' : breakdown,
                #No grade_breakdown here